Janet Mandel: Pierre-Auguste Renoir

Event Date: April 26th, 2018 at 7:00pm - 8:30pm
Address : 17 Parker Avenue, Maplewood, NJ, United States
Town : Maplewood

CHS, Black Box Theatre, Fee: $20 Pierre-Auguste Renoir’s philosophy can be summed up in this quote: “A picture must be an amiable thing, joyous and pretty—yes, pretty! There are enough troublesome things in life without inventing others.” Renoir’s joie de vivre made him one of the most beloved Impressionist painters. This talk will examine his long and productive life, his voluptuous nudes, luxurious flowers, pretty children, bustling Parisian streets and sunny outdoor scenes that are full of people and fun. JANET MANDEL is an award-winning art history educator.

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