Acid reflux (GERD) and gluten...or...?

I've been having a significant acid reflux (GERD) problem for about 5 months. I've been to three doctors, tried 5 different medications (most recently Dexilant), had various tests and procedures, and tried to modify my diet. So far, nothing has helped. I've heard anecdotally that taking gluten out of my diet may help. My doctors are skeptical. However, I'm about ready to try anything. Has anyone had a positive experience specifically in terms of gluten-free diet and acid reflux?

No, but as  a GERD sufferer I'd be very interested in the results of your experiment.  I've tried a range of meds, too. Now on Protonix with so-so results.

I discovered through a skin-patch test that I am allergic to wheat, and avoiding it makes a significant difference. I've also been through an interesting 10-day elimination diet, which I thought was helpful -- although this week might not be the time to start. 

I did. I had a severe bout with acid reflux about 7 years ago and went through a lot of what you did. I did an elimination diet about 3 years ago and have given up gluten, significantly cut back on dairy (I splurge on cheese once in awhile but definitely feel better without it!) yet continue to drink a cup of espresso and eat lots of spicy foods and haven't had any issues with acid reflux since. 

My gluten symptoms vary and sometimes I sneak a little. It never works out well. I don't have lower digestive issues , but will get eczema, headaches, feel lethargic/sad. 

I can't speak for gluten specifically, but grain-based products exacerbate my GERD. But then, so does dairy, pepper, and chocolate. Since I can't refuse to up all those things, I live on Pepcid Complete.

The only thing that worked for me, including meds and diet, was Nexium, which I now can get prescription free online or at local drugstores.

shh - Did you (do you) find a cause-effect between gluten and acid reflux? I've got the burning in the throat, the cough, etc., and the meds really aren't doing it for me. I've tried a (mostly) acid-free diet based on a book my ENT recommended, but that hasn't helped much. Neither have the various meds. I'm running out of possibilities, so I'm thinking maybe gluten...  

shh said:

I did. I had a severe bout with acid reflux about 7 years ago and went through a lot of what you did. I did an elimination diet about 3 years ago and have given up gluten, significantly cut back on dairy (I splurge on cheese once in awhile but definitely feel better without it!) yet continue to drink a cup of espresso and eat lots of spicy foods and haven't had any issues with acid reflux since. 

My gluten symptoms vary and sometimes I sneak a little. It never works out well. I don't have lower digestive issues , but will get eczema, headaches, feel lethargic/sad. 

No specific cause and effect, but my experience with allergies/sensitivities and diet (from testing done several years ago) is that testing (like the skin tests, etc) are not always complete. It takes a bit of experimentation. Just because a test doesn't show an allergy, if removing it or eliminating it helps, it doesn't matter if you're allergic or not. 

I would do an elimination diet, which is where you don't eat potential allergens for about two weeks, then reintroduce them. Being off all gluten, when I ate it again after two weeks, the symptoms were much more pronounced/severe. 

Another thought would be reduce/eliminate higher fat or heavier foods.  I have a kid who has acid reflux and have noticed that his reflux acts up after he has eaten heavy red meat based foods. He is already on a GF DF diet. 

I have bad acid reflux. It started after I went gluten free 16 years ago. If I forget to take Nexium, it comes right back. I've had two endoscopies, and there's nothing other than inflammation. But it can't hurt to try it... What do you have to lose?

Thanks for the input. Awful night last night. Coughing kept me awake for hours. I will try gluten free. I will also try a particular diet described in a book my ENT recommended: Dropping Acid. I'd been following that book's recommendations, but perhaps not stringently enough. At this point, I'm about ready to try anything.

There is a significant interaction between GERD and sleep apnea for some people.  If you have GERD, and you snore, then you may need to look into it. 

Are you sleeping on a wedge pillow? That helped me quite a bit, as well as eliminating dairy, fried and fatty foods, and all carbonated drinks. I had several ulcers when I was diagnosed and ended up on a PPI called Panto-something. It was prescription but generic and very cheap. I don't take it anymore but stuck to the diet and I'm used to sleeping with th wedge pillow. Dropping Acid was my dietary guide, but I never gave up my one cup of coffee. As a plus, I lost weight, too!

Nizhoni - I'm not using a wedge pillow, but I did elevate the head of the bed. When you were using Dropping Acid, did you do the "Induction Diet" they describe?

Keep a food diary. Am going thru a bad bout of gerd now. Started up on the meds today. Coffee, tomato sauce are my triggers but being Italian, those can't be elimnated. 

Weight, my gerd gets worse if my weight creeps up. 

I lived med free for a year at a pop and then something sets it off and I'm in meds for a month. 

My triggers are stress, coffee, tomato sauce, pineapple, chocolate, heavy fried foods, wine...well that's a sad list....

joy - I have started doing that. My problem is that my symptoms seem to be 24/7 now, no matter what I eat. I've been pretty much avoiding all the obvious triggers, but to no avail.

Wow - that sucks @unicorn33 - may you figure it out quickly. 

I'm assuming you've been checked for things like hiatial hernia?  Best of luck finding solutions!

unicorn33 said:

joy - I have started doing that. My problem is that my symptoms seem to be 24/7 now, no matter what I eat. I've been pretty much avoiding all the obvious triggers, but to no avail.

Thanks for the good wishes. Yes, I've had an upper GI series, an endoscopy, a barium swallow, etc. I'm on my fourth PPI medication. I'm doing my best to stay positive and keep things in perspective, but this has become something more than a "rough patch." My mantra: This too shall pass.

I did do an extreme cut back on acidic food for a few difficult weeks and then worked things back over time. Since then very low dairy, etc. We tried raising the head of the bed but it was like we were slipping down all night. The wedge can give you a higher lift without sliding down.

My spouse and I actually had a discussion about sliding down. Lol. Have pretty much gotten used to it. My reservation about the wedge pillow was that I'm a side sleeper, and the wedge didn't look like it would be comfortable for that.

I did try cutting back on the acidic food, but perhaps not far enough. Thanksgiving week may not be the best opportunity, but we'll see. 

Just spoke again to the ENT, who suggested weaning off the PPIs, since they weren't helping. Not exactly sure where to go from here, other than diet changes. The doc did say there are acid reflux specialists (like the one who wrote Dropping Acid). Maybe I'll try the Induction Diet, then a gluten-free diet, then maybe stop eating entirely. Sigh.

NizhoniGrrrl said:

I did do an extreme cut back on acidic food for a few difficult weeks and then worked things back over time. Since then very low dairy, etc. We tried raising the head of the bed but it was like we were slipping down all night. The wedge can give you a higher lift without sliding down.

Have you tried eating 1/2 tsp of fennel seeds after each meal?  Also carom seeds soaked in hot water to make a tea, mixed with honey.  You can drink this is in the morning and see if it helps.  If you need either seeds pm me and I can give you some to try.  Both are culinary spices, so it should be okay for you to try. 

None of the other PPIs helped, but Nexium did, Marylago had same experience. Have you tried that one?

I used to take Prilosec and Propulsid (before they decided that was killing people). And I had bricks under the legs of my bed to raise the head. I've gotten to the point when I'm taking one or two Pepcid Complete when I need them and sleeping with two pillows but no more bricks. Strangely, acidic foods don't bother me. But water on an empty stomach makes my throat burn. I haven't had an endoscopy in years, but I have little doubt that I have had significant damage to my lower throat.

Unfortunately, this is one of those things where no two people have the same triggers or reactions, and they may change over time.

Interesting. This is new to me. What's the thinking behind it?

dg64 said:

Have you tried eating 1/2 tsp of fennel seeds after each meal?  Also carom seeds soaked in hot water to make a tea, mixed with honey.  You can drink this is in the morning and see if it helps.  If you need either seeds pm me and I can give you some to try.  Both are culinary spices, so it should be okay for you to try. 

I've tried Nexium, omeprazole, pantoprazole, and Dexilant. Also some Zantac and Gaviscon along the way. Nothing seems to make a difference.

Jasmo said:

None of the other PPIs helped, but Nexium did, Marylago had same experience. Have you tried that one?

One problem with the meds is that they cause a rebound effect in my experience. The stomach needs acid, when there is not enough, I think it makes more acid pumps. This is my intuition. Drinking small amounts of apple cider vinegar in water     reduces the acid pumps. Only Apple cider vinegar works.  It can help get you off the meds. Weight seems to be a big factor. Losing even a few pounds can make a lot of difference. No meat and no dairy may also help.

unicorn33 said:

I've tried Nexium, omeprazole, pantoprazole, and Dexilant. Also some Zantac and Gaviscon along the way. Nothing seems to make a difference.
Jasmo said:

None of the other PPIs helped, but Nexium did, Marylago had same experience. Have you tried that one?

Ugh! I hope you find some relief soon! It's torturous!

unicorn33 said:

Interesting. This is new to me. What's the thinking behind it?
dg64 said:

Have you tried eating 1/2 tsp of fennel seeds after each meal?  Also carom seeds soaked in hot water to make a tea, mixed with honey.  You can drink this is in the morning and see if it helps.  If you need either seeds pm me and I can give you some to try.  Both are culinary spices, so it should be okay for you to try. 

No idea of the thinking behind it, but these seeds are part of ayurvedic treatments. Fennel, I know, is a digestive and helps me with acidity, but mine is not as severe as yours. Carom seed tea or even plain carom seeds (spicy) help my kid with his recurrent acid reflux. Carom seeds (ajwain) is also good for digestion, gastritis, cough and asthma. 

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