Animal Shelter for SOMa--why no progress?

For those in Maplewood concerned that there seems to be no progress towards in getting the long-promised animal shelter for South Orange-Maplewood, you can e-mail your concerns to our Township Committee candidates. Democratic candidates:

1. Nancy Adams:

2. Jerry Ryan:

3. Greg Lembrich:

The primary is Tuesday, June 2.

Even if South Orange is supposed to take the lead on this issue, Maplewood should get the process jump-started. If we don't get it going very soon, we may be facing a new contract with AHS Newark for another year.

Phyllis Scalera is the Republican candidate, but I did not find a campaign e-mail address for her. If anyone has that, feel free to add it.

Was there a plan to try to open the shelter again? I wasn't aware of that. Who would run it? And who is Phyllis Scalera

meandtheboys said:
Was there a plan to try to open the shelter again? I wasn't aware of that. Who would run it? And who is Phyllis Scalera

The plan is that SO is seeking someone to provide shelter services in the former JAC Building, and that Maplewood would partner with SO, and Maplewood's animals would be handled there too. So we would have a local shelter again. And when the new shelter service provider is set and operating, then Maplewood would terminate its contract with AHS Newark.

SO was supposed to have posted an RFP (request for proposal) in March so that interested providers could submit proposals for review. But the RFP still hasn't been posted and the delay seems to be on-going.

So if you are concerned and want to let the TC candidates know, now's the time.

Phyllis Scalera is the Republican party candidate for the TC.

Last I heard, contract between Maplewood and AHS has a cancellation clause. Maplewood could pull out at any time. Has anyone confirmed that SO definitely plans to operate the former JAC building as a shelter? I have heard of various plans for the building, not all of which include a shelter operation at that site.

There is a cancellation clause in the contract with AHS--the town has to give 60 days' notice.

I've heard various things too about what may happen to the building--even that there will never be a shelter there. Minutes of the Maplewood BOHealth meeting on April 7 (the most recent minutes posted) seem to indicate that the plan to have a shelter there is still in the works:

I would like for the RFP to be posted as soon as possible. It was going to be out in March; latest minutes say late May. Well, it's now late May.

There was a brief comment on this issue at the Hilton Neighborhood Association's meet the TC candidates meeting. It sounded like SO is still working on getting the JAC to quit claiming ownership of the building.

In other words, thanks to Ruthle$$

tomcat said:
In other words, thanks to Ruthle$$

She raised the money to build the building. She's personally on the hook for the JAC's debts. I have no first-hand knowledge of the current situation, but I wouldn't blame her for not wanting to just walk away.

Wait... raising money for a building and buying it yourself are two different things. As are being on the hook for the debts of a business, and being on the hook for debts in connection with a building. Does she have a mortgage on that building? Is the deed in her name? I had always heard she (or the JAC) was renting it from the town for an absurdly low cost, but that the town owned the building. I have never had the slightest idea what the truth is of her relationship or claim to that building. There have been so many rumors or misstatements I don't see how anyone can say with absolute certainty at this point unless they have seen the documents.

But I really, really wish Ruth would step back and let someone take over. She can't handle it, that much is crystal clear. As much as she might care about animals, and I believe her intentions are sincere in that regard, this job is far beyond her capabilities. Why can't she realize that her determination to be in control has actually harmed the animals she wanted to protect? It's time for her to get out of the way and let more capable people take over.

I think the ownership issues of the former JAC building were settled several months ago. SO was drafting the RFP for a new vendor to come in and handle SOMA's animals. Here's the Village Green article:

But the RFP has still never been posted. That's what's holding things up as I understand it.

Not sure how emailing potential candidates will have anywhere near the effect of emailing the SO BOT, particularly if one desires an expedient outcome to this. I don't have those email addresses handy, but maybe someone can post

South Orange is busy on high density housing projects. Now, if there could be apartments above the Shelter, things might move faster.

We did just have an election. That may have been a distraction, hopefully our newly elected (or re-elected as the case may be) leadership can can move this forward. I agree with ctrzaska, letting the BOT know that people are concerned and paying attention is a good way to make sure they move this forward.

E-mailing the SO trustees is a good idea too. But at a TC meeting earlier this year I learned that Maplewood has part ownership of the former JAC building--so Maplewood doesn't have to be a passive bystander in this process. It's also helpful to let Maplewood's TC and the candidates know of your concerns.

Re SO, Sheena Collum just became President--I think Alex Torpey is no longer in the town government.

Here are the South Orange Trustees e-mail addresses from the SO website. Please correct if any of this is wrong:

1. Sheena Collum:

2. Walter Clarke:

3. Deborah Davis Ford:

4. Steve Schnall:

5. Howard Levison:

6. Mark Rosner:

NJ Animal Observer posted article on MTC meeting in which the Democrats on the council stated they would like to terminate AHS contract, but cannot until South Orange gets their act together for shared services and use of the JAC building. I think writing to the South Orange Trustee's is a very good suggestion. They need to move forward on this matter and not leave it in limbo because it is detrimental to the animals. As I understand it SO and Maplewood put up big bucks to complete the building and have a vested interest in it. Also, I understood that as part of the court settlement for SO dropping the lawsuit and other entities not pursuing animal cruelty charges against JAC management Ruth($$$$) was to give up contesting ownership of the building. I think South Orange has to make this a priority and NOT put it on some back burner.

I would say it isn't quite as simple as waiting for South Orange to "get their act together". Reuse as a shelter may not be the only option, and the Farrell Field Park Conservancy has put together a pretty interesting presentation discussing other ways to use that land in conjunction with South Orange's River Greenway Master Plan.

I'm not part of that organization, but I think that their points merit discussion as we move forward. I'm not sure what is plausible, but the former JAC building is on land that is at the intersection of multiple pieces of parkland, and that makes it worth the time to consider options carefully.

(duplicated removed)

I thought that part of the issue with the building was that it wasn't properly built to be an animal shelter. There were a few design flaws, but one that comes to mind was that there was that the quarantine area was not adequate for the health and safety of the other animals in the shelter.

susan1014 said:
I would say it isn't quite as simple as waiting for South Orange to "get their act together". Reuse as a shelter may not be the only option, and the Farrell Field Park Conservancy has put together a pretty interesting presentation discussing other ways to use that land in conjunction with South Orange's River Greenway Master Plan.
I'm not part of that organization, but I think that their points merit discussion as we move forward. I'm not sure what is plausible, but the former JAC building is on land that is at the intersection of multiple pieces of parkland, and that makes it worth the time to consider options carefully.

Under other other circumstances I could agree that taking more time to consider various options isn't an issue, but unfortunately as more time elapses without a plan for local care of our animals, more animals will go to AHS Newark. And if much more time goes by, Maplewood faces the prospect of having to enter into yet another contract with AHS Newark for 2016.

I think we should do everything to avoid that.

One solution is to open a new SOMA shelter at the former JAC building this year, with a new vendor to take care of the animals, while the long-term plans for the building and a long-term location for the SOMA shelter are figured out. The animals and the vendor could move to a permanent site later on if the former JAC building is deemed better suited to other uses.

If the proposed usage for the site doesn't include a credible solution for SOMA animal control this year, a lot of people in our community will be deeply disappointed.

But nothing's going to happen until the RFP is posted.

All proposals need to be considered, but why do our pets end up with the short end of the stick again. AHS is not a good solution. South Orange needs to move forward on this issue as the lives of our pets are at stake. Residents of SO and Maplewood should make sure their pets are micro chipped or have ID tags on the collars. At least then you have a "chance" of getting them back if they end up in Newark.

The Farrell field group claims that, at least in South Orange, the number of dogs brought in as true strays is very small (single digits per year), and generally reunited very quickly. Are there known cases of SOMA pets (dogs or cats) being killed at AHS during the period when they have been our solution?

Are there really pet owners who don't tag/chip their pets, and if so, why? And should their issues be a reason for a rushed decision? Once a vendor goes into the JAC building, the reality is that the odds of discussing a different long-term solution go way down.

As much as I feel for your concerns, I actually want to understand the business case before rushing to open a facility, especially if any town/village money is involved.

I doubt that any of the reputable shelters will want to go to the effort and expense of reopening the SO shelter without a longer term commitment -- their business case just wouldn't make sense. We need to come to a solution, but I expect us to come up with short term solutions that are not money pits, and do not make it difficult to have the right longer term discussions.

Instead of trying to lay the blame at the feet of the South Orange BOT, maybe the Maplewood Town Council could come up with an idea of their own. Instead, they fired it's ACO. South Orange figured out a temporary solution.

Susan1014 as usual is looking at this logically. I completely agree. First, it is my responsibility as a pet owner to look out for my pets. Second, a group of well intentioned people without a sound plan will end up as another expensive drag on the town. Third, the town has to take all views into consideration. Some people don't want the town to spend a nickel on animal control. Others may have a good idea for the building that even makes the town money.

The town has an ACO, which is a good thing. Do we need a whole shelter when there are others around? I don't know. In a perfect world maybe so, but in a perfect world money would not matter either.

Thanks susan 1014. Good questions. I respect your views but there are some figures you may not have and they do help to put the issue into context.

Scott Crawford of AHS Newark stated at the MTC meeting on January 6, 2015 that AHS had taken in 59 animals from Maplewood alone in 2014: 44 cats, 11 dogs, 1 rabbit, and 3 wildlife (e.g. raccoons and squirrels).

That is only for Maplewood. If anyone has the 2014 numbers for SO, please add them here.

Of these 59, only 1 was reclaimed by an owner, per Crawford's statement.

So the Farrell Field Group figures for SOMA don't match up. They don't even match up to the Maplewood figures. And the Farrell Field proposal is completely silent on the number of stray/unwanted/hoarding situation cats in 2014 in SOMA, and as you can see from the AHS Newark figures, most of the animals going to AHS Newark are cats.

I don't see anyone on this thread advocating for short term solutions that are money pits--and that's certainly not my position. Do you know that one serious idea for the space has been to bring in a vet who would pay rent, run a veterinary business and also run the shelter? That would accomplish both the income objective and the human shelter objective. In the Village Green Feb. 18 Adam Loehner said that one local vet had approached him about moving into the space.

Right now the building sits empty, serving no use to our communities and bringing in no money. And it will sit empty, being of no use and bringing in no money, until: 1) the RFP has been issued; 2) proposals have come in from interested vendors; 3) those proposals have been reviewed and evaluated; and 4) a decision made by the two towns on which vendor proposal best serves the interests of the town.

The soundness of the proposals can't be evaluated until the RFP is posted.

The RFP has taken nearly 6 months--that's long enough in my book.

In a perfect world, all pet owners would be responsible and there would be no strays--there would be no animal hoarders, and no animals would be "surrendered" or abandoned by their owners. But in the real world these situations happen all too often. A few weeks ago over 40 cats were discovered in horrendous conditions in a hoarder house in South Orange.

The animals are not at fault, but they are the ones who pay, unless we do something.

Yes South Orange has an ACO and a solution. She told our rescue that the town would board 5 of the 50 we were rescuing. She took some fully vetted cats from me and said she would place them in her garage. She told the head of the rescue we were working with that the town would pay to board them at Country Lakes Veterinary in Mine Hill run by Dr. Khumani Griffith who also runs the hell hole in East Orange and it was OK'd, not by me. Myself and my fellow rescuer picked up one that the ACO brought by mistake. We promised to come back for the other 4. They had our contact info and our fellow rescues contact Oh yes and the reliable ACO who forgot to tell us she surrendered them to the vet. Her excuse was it was the only paperwork she had. Despite all of our thank you's to the vet for helping, they were packed into a car according to the vet techs and taken away by the vet. They thought he was bringing them to us or the ACO. He still refuses to tell his staff where he took them. Our health officer told us they were killed. One was a beautiful 5 month old kitten named Elsbeth vetted by Valley Vet and vaccinated also tested negative for FIV FELV and paid for. Another gorgeous boy that the techs loved a young handsome tux. At least 2 others.

Elsbeth was to be picked up by me and taken to a woman in a power chair as she has no legs and just wants someone to love.

South Orange has decided Elsbeth should die. I will call the woman tomorrow.

Very, very sorry to hear this, Morganna.

This is why I urge anyone in SOMA who is troubled by this to reach out to your TC and BOT members and ask them to please get on with the RFP.

citizenjane said:
Very, very sorry to hear this, Morganna.
This is why I urge anyone in SOMA who is troubled by this to reach out to your TC and BOT members and ask them to please get on with the RFP.

Try this re-elected liaison to the Health Department. I told her about the hoarding situation and said we needed a shelter and she thanked me for sharing!!!

Email her about the dead cats and get your own thank you!

Deborah Davis Ford
Village Trustee

Morganna said:
...they were packed into a car according to the vet techs and taken away by the vet. They thought he was bringing them to us or the ACO. He still refuses to tell his staff where he took them. Our health officer told us they were killed. One was a beautiful 5 month old kitten named Elsbeth vetted by Valley Vet and vaccinated also tested negative for FIV FELV and paid for. Another gorgeous boy that the techs loved a young handsome tux. At least 2 others.

Those responsible ought to be held strictly accountable.

Whether it's kittens or dogs, children or workers, gays or people of color--enough of bureaucratic idiots randomly crushing the lives of others.

If you want a local animal shelter--not AHS Newark (Maplewood's current solution) and not Country Lakes Animal Clinic (apparently South Orange's current solution)--come to the BOT meeting this Monday, June 8 at 7:30 at SOPAC.

South Orange and Maplewood residents--make your voices heard if you want to get this moving.

Within the next month, South Orange will seek input from community stakeholders to begin crafting an RFP (request for proposals) for uses of the former Jersey Animal Coalition building on Walton Avenue.

“In the next two weeks we will call a meeting” for community members, said Village President Sheena Collum at Monday’s Board of Trustee meeting. The township has been meeting informally with stakeholders, such as the Farrell Field Park Conservancy and other neighborhood groups but has not held a formal meeting seeking input from the larger community.

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