any endocrinologists that use ONLINE communication

My current doctor's office staff's idea of online communication is to use email to tell you to call. So what is the point of having online communication? There is specifically an appointment scheduling tab, but when I tried scheduling through the website, the only response was to call to makes me question their intelligence. I have a very odd schedule and find email much easier to use--unless of course I can call them at 2am to schedule an appointment!

Its not like its difficult to schedule for me...I can make myself available any late afternoon or evening with at least 2 weeks notices...which I told them....

not only that this person doesn't get the concept of late afternoon...I've had this discussion with her before...she just thinks it refers to their EVENING time slots on their 1 night per week they are open late.

my last appointment was rescheduled to an earlier date without even telling me...until I got a phone call reminding me of my appointment the next day...which was impossible to keep since I needed to get blood work done about a week before the appointment

sadly, this isn't the 1st clerical person I've had an issue with trying to schedule an appointment when they have poor calendar and time skills.....I tried to get an appointment with a doctor at UMDNJ took 3 days to get someone on the phone....a half hour on the phone with her..repeatedly telling her that I needed a late day appointment..after being on hold for an extended period of time, she comes back telling me I was all set for 9:30am......

both of these people seemed to be American born, fully English speaking..

I've noticed the problem of companies only using email to tell you to call with a LOT of different types of companies...i wish someone could explain it...sure sometimes things are better handled with a real time conversation, but often that is not needed. For example, I might email a store and ask what the return policy is for unopened electronics with a receipt...and they just email back and say to call...if they respond at all...

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