Anybody hear where the MMS principal is going?

Or who his replacement will be?

Quickly looking into his history (which he publishes himself on Linkedin) and seeing he's got 6+ years experience in NYC school administration, I could make a bet.

I don't see anything in tonight's agenda mentioning MMS principal. I also don't see an active job posting for MMS principal.

In a Village Green article dated July 5, it states the district was looking to appoint a Principal for MMS by July 18.  Here's hoping we get news soon.

I wouldn't be surprised if MMS gets a temporary Principal while a full search is done.  That is what was done when the South Mountain Principal gave notice at the very end of the year in 2015. 

Then Vice-Principal Louis Brown served very ably as Interim Principal at MMS between the time Mr. Harrison left and the appointment of Mr. Truppo. Perhaps something similar will happen again.

If I am not mistaken, Louis Brown is currently serving as interim

If that is the case, then the school is in good hands. I worked there when he was interim between Harrison/Truppo and the school ran very smoothly during that time. Hope that this experience repeats for the current students.

Mr. Brown also served as interim between Truppo and Adams.

The OP probably knows, but a new Principal has been hired.

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