Anybody’s forsythia blooming?

It has been a long winter. Any signs of forsythia around here? The familiar yellow blooms tell me when it’s safe to prune the roses, and I’m dying to do something other than weed.

Haven't seen usual suspects. What a long wait spring has been this year!

NO - and it's waaay overdue

Not yet. We have three large forsythia. Plenty of buds but no action.

Buds? At least there’s hope! I will try to be patient.

Buds actually develop in the fall. The Bradford Pears haven't opened either. It's a very slow start this year.

Three years ago, I had this outside my work window on March 21st.

I always have thought that Forsythia were due on April 1. Last year they were a week or so late and this year is shaping up to be a repeat of that. Not so surprising, I guess, considering the winters we've had.

Only on the branches I cut for forcing indoors a couple of weeks ago --- a wonderful demo of what is to come. oh oh

We're particularly interested this year. Early last fall we had the three bushes transplanted. They were all in a tangled clump and overgrown. We had them moved and cut back. Hopefully the nigh-daily watering regimen last fall helped them establish new roots.

Nothing yet on ours - and they are in a location with fairly strong sun for most of the day, too. I am seeing the tiniest blush of green, but no buds yet and certainly no flowers. I will bring some branches inside in a day or two to force for Easter, but I am looking forward to their blooming in the garden - maybe next week??? Just had our first crocus bloom yesterday, so that's a hopeful sign.

Nothing yet on our forsythia, either - though I hadn't thought of forcing them indoors, and will give that a try. But we have lots of patches of crocus, which give me so much joy! Come on, Spring!

Yes! There's one over by the brook and the bridge behind Jefferson School.

Waiting anxiously..we are in a new house and the back fence is covered with them, but this is our first year to see them blossom!

Not as of yesterday but ours are usually among the last in the area to bloom.

not here--- I only saw 2 of my crocuses in bloom, this morning. No signs of life on the forsythia.

Not Forsythia but my witch hazel has been in bloom for the last couple of weeks.

First, 2 weeks ago

Rest, today

That's cool. I have only ever seen witch hazel in a bottle in the store! raspberry

How old is your witch hazel? I have one that is about 5 years old and it has not bloomed yet, but it's not very big. Oh, how big is it? I am wondering if I need to move mine.

There is a forsythia just starting to bloom by river edge in Memorial Park, at bottom of hill.

marylago said:

How old is your witch hazel? I have one that is about 5 years old and it has not bloomed yet, but it's not very big. Oh, how big is it? I am wondering if I need to move mine.

Our's was planted 7 years ago or so. It's about 8 ft tall. When we got it, it was about 4 ft tall and flowered from it's first season in the garden, though never as prolifically as this year. It's a slow grower, so it could be that your witch hazel is still quite young. Do you know what kind you have - Chinese or American or hybrid? This one is called Jelena.

American. I bought it at a native plant sale at Scherman-Hoffman Wildlife Sanctuary.

Then I think it depends on the species. Virginiana is a tree and will most likely take a long time to mature and Vernalis is a shrub. Not sure how long the Vernalis takes to mature but if you have this one, I am jealous. I looked for it for a long time and gave up and got the Intermedia Jelena.

I haven't seen any forsythia yet in northern CT, but today I did spot a mature pussy willow tree covered in catkins. I was thrilled, but I have no idea what it means in terms of the rest of the garden's timing. I also spotted iris and hosta leaves coming up.

I will have to see if it is still tagged. I love the colors the leaves turns, but as I said, I am still waiting for it to bloom.

I now have an incredible impulse to go out and get a witch hazel for our new yard!

Get one, you will not be sorry. Fragrant lowers in late winter (Jelena is a month late this year) and gorgeous fall colors.

dg64 said:

Get one, you will not be sorry. Fragrant lowers in late winter (Jelena is a month late this year) and gorgeous fall colors.

Do deer eat them?

I can't wait for forsythia! It makes me so cheerful!

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