AOL attachments

I often send myself files from work, and yes, I still use the antiquated AOL for my home email.

I can download attached photos, PDFs & Excel files.

I can't download attached MS Publisher files???

When I click on the attachment, nothing happens. My office Publisher is 2013, and my home version is 2010, but that should not make a difference at the point of uploading?

It can and it may not just happen on AOL. I have had a problem in the past with trying to open a document written in a more recent version of a Microsoft program, such as Word or Excel, than the version I have on the receiving computer. I either get a blank screen or what looks like coding. Have you tried saving the 2013 document to a 2010 version prior to e-mailing it home?

The original file is in my office server, and I did not think of that before I sent it to myself.

However, I logged into my office Gmail from home, went to 'Sent' and was able to save the attachments to my DOWNLOAD folder from there. They open just fine.

To test, I went back to AOL In Box, and I still can't retrieve them from there.

It could be that they opened just fine because you were reading them from your office server using the version of the software that you have there. Does the download folder you used reside on your home computer or on your office server?

Try changing the extension of the files before you send them.

Download them.

Change the extension back.

Open in Publisher.

Use Google Drive or Dropbox instead.

If that won't work for you, you can compose a message in gmail and not send it. Then open it in your drafts folder at home and download the attachment.

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