Back issues help?

I have an herniated disk, and in need of advice, I had an MRI, physical therapy, steroid's steroid epidural, injection no success.

I seem to be looking st surgery but would like to avoid that. What worked for you?

This has become debilitating and is taking it's toll on me mentally and physically.

Thanks in advance

How long have you had it, and how long have you done PT? My experience with a similar issue is that it took about a year of PT to finally begin feeling better. Get yourself to HSS in NYC for an opinion before contemplating any surgery. Just my 2 cents.

I herniated a sic over the winter, this group was great

I went to Dr Lipp and had to have surgery, I had 'drop foot'. Surgery was in April, I am doing almost everything normally again except for heavy lifting and jumping/diving in pools oh oh

What kinds of physical activity are you performing now, with your disability? While it might be painful to move about, it might be the thing that treats you better than anything. Walking is one of the best ways to let a herniated disc ease back into its place.

I had surgery way back in 1988, and it helped me a lot, but back then, the medical community didn't know what they now know, which is that this usually resolves itself with enough exercise. I know how painful it is. I was unable to stand or walk. It was so bad, I couldn't think any more.

Walking and standing for any amount of time is very painful, although I have just moved house, and everything that goes with that (I am sure) has not helped. However now I am using Ice packs and resting as much as possible. Just trying to work out what the best thing to do is.

Surgery worked a miracle for me. I was scared. They put me on the gurney and gave me drugs. I said, "When are they taking me to surgery?" They said, "You just came out of it."

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