Best quality flannel sheets - where to find them? archived

I would love to find some really nice flannel sheets (local store preferred to online, but online if absolutely wonderful quality).

To me, wonderful quality means
* they will wash and dry in regular cycles without shrinking to become too small to fit the bed properly, or losing shape so they are no longer respectable rectangles.
* they will be soft and comfortable after many washes, without the rough pilling that often happens
* they won't be horribly wrinkled and stiff out of the dryer, and if folded right after drying would never need ironing.
* they don't have to be super thick/heavy, but we'd want them substantial enough to last for years.

Do you have a great source for great flannel sheets? Please share!! Local is better bc I'd like to snuggle into a set tonight if possible!

(PS. I've tried LL Bean Cozy Flannel, and they are "rough" after a few washings. I haven't yet tried their more expensive "Premium Supima Flannel" which has lots of happy reviewers. I'm tempted by Garnet Hill flannel, but again unless someone raves I'm reluctant to have buyer's remorse w/a difficult return.)

Lands End flannel sheets - we've had them for 2 years now and love them. A little piling but not as much as I've had on others. Sears has them.

I have a set of flannels from Garnet Hill. Got them during a great sale last year. Have to say they are the nicest flannels I've ever owned--much nicer than the Lands' End sheets I've had in the past. Just wish I had purchased more than one set.

Camnol, a great sale would be great to know about when one next rolls around!!

I want a set right away for my guest BR (my mom is coming for a long visit and percale is just too chilly these days!) I might indulge in a set for our bed during a great sale! (We use an awesome Lands End electric blanket w/our regular sheets during the winter which takes that horrible chill off the sheets at night.)

I think I've tried Lands' End in the distant past and wasn't loving them. hismom, is the pilling just in the dryer, or do they feel "rough"? Do you recall if you bought the 5 oz or 6 oz? Oh! I just noticed you said Sears has them! That could be the ticket bc I think everything Lands End is guaranteed, even if washed, right? Thanks!!!!

Anyone ever buy locally anywhere else, like at BB&B or maybe a department store brand?


For a guest bedroom, I would see what flannel sheets are at Costco. They have some nice stuff and you can always return if not satisfied.

I'll try to remember to post if I see a flannel sale at Garnet Hill. Color selection is limited usually (I bought beige), but fine with me.

Costco will take returned sheets even if they've been used? That's also good to know!

They are very good that way. If they shrink too much after wash, you aren't stuck with them.

This is the set I have from GH. On sale, I got the whole king-sized set for the price of one regularly priced sheet. I don't think they go on sale often, though.

The sales people at Sears are so unbelievably LAZY!!!!!!!!!!!

I do not want to spend the time to drive from West Orange to the Livingston Mall if they do not have these sheets in stock, in white, queen sized. They tell me there are no sales people in yet; only cashiers so they tell me I'll have to come in. This, after I politely explained (even put smile on my face since that is supposed to travel through phone lines!) I was calling to make sure they had them before I spent time driving there, since I hoped to a find sheets for tonight.

If a job is worth doing, isn't it worth doing well for crying out loud? (sigh)

Anyway, after asking to speak to a manager, I was told that they no longer carry any "Home" items in the store. I confirmed this with a Lands End online customer service person, who nicely volunteered to check all the stores near my zip code, and she found there are no stores in my area that stock items for the home. What is good to know, however, is that if you happen to be in a Sears store and place an online order from the store, you will receive free regular shipping.

At least now I won't be making a trip to the mall for no reason! It also looks like I won't be putting soft and warm flannel sheets on the bed for my poor mom tonight.

Posted By: pdgI've tried LL Bean Cozy Flannel, and they are "rough" after a few washings.
Is it possible that it is your detergent or your water that is doing this? I have L.L. Bean flannel sheets. I purchased the bottom sheet last year, the top sheet and the pillow cases two years ago. They are still soft and a pleasure to get into bed with. The first 5 washes there was a lot of lint in the dryer, and there is some pilling, but that is just what happens with flannel.

As an alternative to flannel, I find cotton jersey sheets to be much warmer and cozier than percale. I've gotten some really nice jersey sets both at target and bbb.

Garnet Hill has a post Christmas sale. They are great and worth every penny at full price. Choose kids flannels wisely. I just mailed some of our daughter's 15 year old GH flannel sheets off to college. Great design and still in great shape. They did have a 7 year sabbatical.

We love the Garnet Hill flannel sheets. Also bought at post Christmas sale. The ones that are made in Germany are cozier than the ones made in Portugal.

Just found my receipt. Mine were purchased in August last year. Darn it, if they went on sale again, I missed it! :-( I'll have to watch for the after-Christmas sale.

i have several sets of flannel sheets from kohls. very happy with them...

I love my flannel sheets from LL Bean. I use them year-round. I do get the heavier, more expensive ones.

I used to have a set of standard flannel sheets from Lands' End. They were nowhere near as nice as the LL Bean premium. Have not tried the Lands' End premium. I think getting the better quality (from either company) is money well spent.

My dear hubster bought me ivory flannel sheets (no white in stock) from Target, for the short term. I think I'll place an order from somewhere for nicer white sheets. Will splurge for better quality.

(Is there something wrong with me for buying better quality for guests than I would for my family? :confused: Maybe its because its for my mom for the next month or so...)

Costco sells micro polar fleece sheets and they're like sleeping on velvet!

I was just in Ireland and slept on pure linen sheets that had been starched and pressed. They made crackling noise like parchment paper...truly fabulous as well.

I spent a fabulous couple of nights at a B&B (with my kids, alas, not my spouse) on some Comphy Co. microfiber sheets. I'd think they'd feel too hot in summer, but I've been considering springing for some now that there's a chill in the air and my flannels are pilling (and my husband can't abide their velcro-ness). Apparently Costco sells some sheets by the same company for less $ called Spalena. The B&B owner couldn't stop raving about how terrific they are, how great they look straight from the washer and dryer, etc. But they're not cheap. . . .

Posted By: zuccamy flannels are pilling (and my husband can't abide their velcro-ness)

I literally threw my shoulder out when it stuck in the flannel sheets while I was trying to rotate (quickly) from one side to the other side one night!

Posted By: LKCostco sells micro polar fleece sheets and they're like sleeping on velvet!

I was going to suggest the fleece ones - I got them (at Target last year) for my kid's room, as it's the coldest room in the house...he likes them - very cozy...I bought two sets & them used the top sheets to make a duvet cover...

The Comphy Co. (tsk) queen set is $143, which doesn't seem too far out of line with Garnet Hill sheets, which I like. But are microfiber sheets (shudder) slippery? And polar fleece, no thank you.

I guess it's a texture preference, same as with food. I confess that I LIKE the cozy velcro entrapment of flannel pajamas in flannel sheets, but also that cool, liberating switchover to 1,600-thread count when it starts to get warmer.

I almost bought my kids flannel pjs, because they love their flannel sheets. And then I remembered one night years ago, when I was wearing flannel pjs in a bed with flannel sheets. Could hardly MOVE!

My mom is STILL in bed (jet lag; she was in CA for 11 days before this visit.) so I haven't had the sleep-test results of her Target flannel. However, I was dismayed for two reasons.

Our guest bed has a minor pillow top, but is hardly an extra thick mattress. The stupid "fitted" sheet doesn't fit and it was a real pain to try to get it to stay in the corners. Of course, there are exposed arches on each side, which always looks cheesy to me.

Also, the fitted sheet, right out of the washer and dryer, had mysterious dark blotches in the middle of the sheet. I scratched at it, thinking it might be a shadow from lint build-up, but nothing was there. Annoying, but I'm sure my mom was much more comfy in flannel sheets last night than she would have been in the brisk cotton percale! MAN, it got chilly overnight!

I'm going to try to get to Costco this week to check out those micro-fleece sheets. Hopefully they have a decent fit for that price!

(kmk - You poor thing! What a painfully rude wake-up your flannel sheets gave you! Were you wearing flannel pjs? Maybe flannel sheets should come with a warning label...)

They weren't slippery, j r. I loved them. Silky smooth and warm (and supposedly cool in hot weather, though I can't vouch for that). The Costco price is lower, pdg, but there is some discussion online as to whether they are the same fabric (but less fine finishing) or different fabric altogether--an important distinction, as it's all about the fabric. Also, I haven't seen them at Costco. I think they have to be ordered at Costco online. I could have bought them at the B&B for 120-something, I think. Maybe if a few of us got together, we could get a price break!

I'm cranky because I bought two sets of cotton sheets last fall, both of which I like, but one has shrunk so much that a corner of the fitted sheet has ripped because the sheet's just too dang small. I remember where I bought the other set, but I can't quite figure out where I bought this set. Garnet Hill? Maybe BB&B--I'll have to check their shelves for this brand!

I'm cranky with you, zucca! At least my new flannel sheets were cheapies from Target, but it just seems so WRONG for sheets to not fit the size bed they claim to fit! Where are the sheet police when we need them!

(And, count me in to buy a set of sheets from the B&B if you're serious about unionizing for a discount!)

Also try TJ Maxx- bought a set of really comfy micro fleece sheets there at the beginning of last winter, and they've washed/held up beautifully so far. Can't remember the brand off hand!

OK, I have an update for any who care -

Costco-the-store did not have any of the made-by-Comphy Co. sheets mentioned above and I just couldn't bring myself to buy them online without touching first!

So, I finally broke down and bought us a set of the 6 oz flannel sheets sold by Lands End. People raved about the softness and lack of pill-ness, but what really got me to hit the send button was that they raved about how big they were! I had just washed my kids' flannel sheets and was making the beds and about killed my wrist trying to get the bottom sheet to fit! I cursed those sheets (The Company Store, btw) and vowed to find good quality flannel sheets!

I only bought one set of the 6oz flannel in King size to try out on our bed first. They arrived today and I could NOT believe the softness! I washed them and the dryer stopped once with a "lint trap" alarm - cleaned it out and finished the drying without issue.

Not too much lint in the trap when they were done and I eagerly went to make my bed! (I know, sorta crazy!)

The amount of static was a bit alarming, and it occurred to me it would likely be even worse if I was making the bed with freshly washed microfleece sheets, but the sheets are smooth as silk and super, super soft. They also fit VERY generously! I had to keep tucking the fitted sheet to make it smooth - that's how generous a fit they are!

I look forward to getting between those sheets tonight - I think I won't need the electric blanket, or my fleece sleeping socks, for the first night in months!

(Meanwhile, I ordered the less expensive Lands' End 5oz flannel for my kids' beds, in the hopes they fit well and won't pill. They are on sale right now, so it was impossible for me to resist trying them out when the 6oz sheets are so expensive (but hopefully are going to be worth every penny!)

We have the Lands End flannel sheets on our bed right now. We have two sets. Extra deep so they don't come off. They are really soft and really warm. Absolutely my favorite ones. And I like some of their clothes too.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Looking forward to see you guys on the 1st.

Posted By: pdgI look forward to getting between those sheets tonight - I think I won't need the electric blanket, or my fleece sleeping socks, for the first night in months!
I have to admit that if I were given a choice between flannel sheets with no electric mattress pad, or regular sheets with a heated mattress pad, I would go with flannel every time. Even without the extra source of heat they just FEEL warmer.

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