
So I went today and moved from the treadmill to the machines. Four machines were monopolized by two people who were moving from machine to machine and back. W.T.F.

I called the desk to complain.... suggested, maybe a sign to discourage such activity.

"We will watch out for this and also speak to our trainers."

I'm sure that will do a lot of good.

That is my biggest complaint, which I've also shared with the staff (which means I don't have many).  There are some folks who don't realize that they need to share.  The staff is always busy at the desk so there is no one moving around the floor encouraging appropriate behavior.  On a regular basis I have to ask someone sitting at a machine and staring at their phone if they are done.

I find Blink to be a pretty decent overall gym in terms of behavior. I think the “everybody cleans” mantra is pretty cool, not so much for the cleaning itself, but more as a built-in reminder to be considerate of others. 

That said, there are jerks everywhere and violations of gym etiquette by entitled people can be very annoying. ‘Tis the season for it, as New Years’ resolutioners at the gym are the equivalent of Sunday drivers on the roads.

This is every gym. A couple of weeks ago at NYHRC a person had the towels on 3 machines. Going from  machine to machine . I see it all the time people use 2 machines and give you dirty looks when you ask to work in.

agreed. And the people that sit there between sets for 5 minutes on their phones are super-annoying.

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