Can my 15 year old work afterschool?

I confess that I am a bit baffled by the language below.

Does that mean that employment for minors between 14 and 16 is allowed as along as it's after school?

From the State of NJ:

"No minor under 16 years of age shall be employed, permitted, or suffered to work in, about, or in connection with any gainful occupation at any time; provided, that minors between 14 and 16 years of age may be employed, permitted or suffered to work outside school hours and during school vacations but not in or for a factory or in any occupation otherwise prohibited by law or by order or regulation made in pursuance of law; and provided, further, that minors under 16 years of age may engage in professional employment in theatrical productions upon the obtaining of a permit therefor and may engage outside school hours and during school vacations in agricultural pursuits or in street trades and as newspaperboys as defined in this act, in accordance with the provisions of section 15 of this act."

yes ,you just have to fill out the forms from the BOE, have doctor, child's school and employer fill out respective sections. That has to be done for every new job until old enough.

There are however, jobs that he would not be allowed to perform, especially around heavy duty equipment. What kind of work is being considered?

'outside school hours' means after school, weekends, vacations.....i assume with home school becoming popular a home schooled student could work day hours if their school hours were at night...i think there is a limit to the number of hours too.

I delivered newspapers at 12.. but never had working papers (it was a 2x week local paper in the afternoon) I only see adults...

She would like to work at the counter of a local bakery/coffee shop or something similar.

I love the language "between 14 and 16 years of age..." You mean 15???

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