Carpet cleaning question

We're having Stanley Steemer come to do the carpets on Friday and I'm not quite sure how to prepare. Looking for advice from anyone who has done it!

It says they move furniture, but what does that entail? In our basement playroom we have things like the play kitchen, bookcase with toys, etc. Do I need to do anything with those types of things?

When I have my carpets cleaned, I get everything up off the carpet except beds and dressers and things like that. The carpet cleaners (though I don't use Stanley) lift those heavy items and put them on foam squares. I put everything up on my beds or move to a non-carpeted part of the house. I also do a thorough vacuum before they come (and another after the carpet dries. ) The more space I clear, the more carpet area is accessible to the cleaners.

I move the smaller things before the carpet cleaners come, either to non-carpeted rooms or on the bed or something, to expedite the process. Decide whether to move the bigger things when the cleaners are there.

Thanks!! That makes sense. We only have two carpeted areas, the basement den/playroom and the 3rd floor which is our office and guest room. Not too much stuff up there, but the playroom is chaos!

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