Cat Fights

Last night before heading to bed I heard a cat fight outside. Then in the middle of the night my husband and I were woken by some sort of screaming animal - reminded me of a time I heard a deer screaming when it was attacked by wild dogs. We couldn't see anything outside but it was obviously dark. In the morning I looked around again. All I saw was a black cat that I've seen in my yard in the past. I believe it's a feral cat - no collar. My neighbor's do have cats but this isn't one of theirs. In all honesty, I am not a cat person and don't want any cats - feral or my neighbors pets just roaming around my yard but my real concern is if this cat is "hunting" in my yard at night is it going to become territorial? I've seen dead birds on two previous occasions in the yard. When the cat saw me it hissed and held it's ground - I think I was more afraid of it than it was of me. Any suggestions on how to keep this cat from hunting in my yard? TIA

It's usually not a cat "fight." Think the other direction...

Lots of animals hunt or fight at night. Sometimes the screaming that you hear is that of the unfortunate prey being killed. Owls hunt at night, raccoons hunt and, during their mating season, fight viciously. There are also foxes, and even coyotes have been seen in our area, all of which hunt--and kill at night.

When I've heard similar noises it's been a fox going after a rabbit or a raccoon fight

To answer your concern, there is little to stop a cat or other animal from hunting in your yard. Some people claim success with red pepper flakes or other hot spices sprinkled among the bushes, re-applied after rain.

Besides losing sleep my biggest concern is that the animal would be territorial so if my kids are outside it might be aggressive.

If it's a feral cat, it'll run from people. It's territorial against other cats so it's keeping other ferals from settling in your yard.

Well then that's good news @ bigben_again. Thanks.

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