Cat up for adoption!

Hey everyone,

A friend of mine can no longer keep her adorable and sweet six year old kitty. Because of my friend's work schedule she is barely home which is causing her cat anxiety; licking her fur off!
She's in LI so I'd be very willing to transport the kitty if anyone would like to adopt her. I am told she is very, SUPER, friendly and loves all animals. Please let me know if you're interested or knows someone who is. Please share if you can!
Many many thanks!

my cat recently licked her fur off, and it was fleas! Is she sure it's not fleas?

It could also be a skin irritation that is more to do with winter weather and the heat from radiators. A trip to the vet is probably a good place to start.

OoOooO, thank you guys! I'm going to rely this to my friend

Please, don't take that as a judgment on your friend, either. I'm just hoping they might not have considered these ideas. Cats are usually pretty good at being alone for a certain amount of time. In fact, I had one cat that adamantly refused to allow another animal in the house. To the point where we lost our deposit on an apartment due to damaged carpet under a stairway. confused She really liked being alone.

She has taken her to the Vet and she was told it was due to anxiety LOL

Anxiety in a cat can have a lot of causes. Separation anxiety is just one of them. Recent changes in family composition, a recent move, change in household routine, loss of another pet in the household, etc. can trigger anxiety too. If the cat is truly lonely, getting an additional cat to keep the first cat company is often a good solution.

Ahhh, bummer. And I'm guessing they don't want to try tranquilizers or try another cat to keep her company? OK, then, on to finding a new home, I guess.

I have a cat that is over-grooming because she is anxious about the other, much younger cats in the house, who like to tease her. She is otherwise just fine, but stressed because the younger ones don't tolerate her elderly sensitivities very well. I'm really looking forward to our upcoming move because she will be able to have her own space, closed off from the others, but still have nice sunny places to curl up (and a lot of attention from me, since I don't work).

And yes, as Joan says, there can be a lot of different reasons for the anxiety.

My vet thought Tigger was over-grooming because of an allergy, and he gave her a shot to reduce the inflammation he thought was making her want to groom constantly. Steroids, I think? A few months later, it was clear it wasn't allergies, because the behavior didn't stop.

My friend had to move back home and her step-father is allergic, so she has to keep the kitty in her room all day LOL

Keeping her in one room all day is not such a problem, usually cats love small spaces,and they love their own territory. The recent move and the change in household rhythm may very well have caused the anxiety. My Felicity overgroomed when I was hospitalized. She stayed in my house, and my dad went in to feed her and play with her daily. But, it was her attachment to me and my absence that caused her overgrooming, according to a cat psychologist my vet referred me to.

I don't have any suggestions on re-homing her, you know the drill, and this is kitten season... thanks for putting this out there for your friend. I wish I could be of more help. My best advice is to ask her to please beg family, friends and acquaintances to take her. LOL

She's tried which is why she reached out to me. LOL
I am assuming she has exhausted all other efforts. It's not that her being alone in the room is causing it - I'm just saying she has to be in there because of the Step father's allergies so her being alone coupled with my friend's hectic work schedule is causing the anxiety as she is rarely able to be home with the kitty. It is just not a good situation...

Ahhhhhhh! The move to a new house and changes in circumstances could very well explain the problem.

Calli is right that cats don't mind small spaces very much; in fact, sometimes they seek them out as a comfort zone! She probably doesn't understand where they are and why. I imagine the cat is probably picking up on the strain from your friend... it's not an easy transition for her (your friend) to make, to have to move back in with family and then deal with her stepfather's allergy problem and (I'm guessing) a little strain between family members -- that would only be natural. I would guess there is a lot of tension in the air, and cats are really good at picking up on that kind of thing. Poor woman. Poor cat!

I would open this up to foster potential, too. If they can get the kitty out of that house into a good foster situation, she might stop the hyper grooming activity while she awaits a new permanent home?

Wish I could be more help. Perhaps some of the folks who are good at helping re-home cats will chime in on this thread if we keep it alive.

you might consider putting her in the classified, here, and I will help you with screening applicants.

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