central air repair

Any recommendations for central air repair? System won't turn on. I have never had central air before so cannot figure out the issue on my own. Thanks

I just had ours repaired last week by Woolley. They were great! I had an other large company look at it last fall and they quoted me $2000 to fix it. Woolley repaired it for $239. If I can think of the technician's name, I will post it.

Did you just purchase the house?  If you purchased my house on Princeton, the AC is in Winter sleep.  Go the the main panel in the basement and find the switches for the AC Compressor and then the Air Handler.  Turn them on.  Now read the book on how to turn it all on with the Thermostat which is at the top of the stairs.

Adjust your thinking to meet your house.  It just may be the problem.

I do not think that I pulled the Service disconnect on the compressor, but an inspector may have.  Check those on each unit as well.

Later, Da


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