Cool new honey bee hive!!

Came across this online, amazing!  I gave up keeping bees. But this makes me want to try again! See . Though, it is expensive and I wonder if it will eventually clog up.

My 7 year old came across these hives through a youtube video and really wants one.  I have zero experience with bees but this made me want to maybe give it a try as well!

If I got one of these, how would I keep the bears out?

Tom_Reingold said:

If I got one of these, how would I keep the bears out?

Picnic Baskets

Snort. I have a feeling that bears would be a foregone conclusion, because those jars don't look at all secure. 

No matter what style hive, an electric fence is the only thing to keep bears away and sometimes not even then. Bears like to eat the brood too, not just the honey. 

Will chasing the honey keep the bears from eating all those chickens in MW's backyard poultry industry?

I ask because a friend of a friend set up a hive on our lawn (upstate), and a bear destroyed it quickly. The bears visit the garbage bins frequently but that's less of a loss. In other words, bears are a real fact of life, not hugely disruptive, until you start hosting bees.

Local, South Orange, Honey and Bee products Facebook page link.  Sign up!

Ha! A good bear size electric fence is needed. There are portable electric posi-neg fences where each wire alternates between positive and negative. This way it does not rely on a good ground. Google Kencove Fence. You should put one around your garbage if bears are coming around. A noisy dog helps and REI sells bear spray.......

Thanks, @tourn!

The only thing we're growing now are peaches, and the bears don't take many, if any. But I'm thinking of making a garden, and we will need serious wildlife protection. We have many deer, squirrels, chipmunks, coyotes, foxes, mice, field rats, snakes, and I'm sure many other things.

I guess in a sense we are already wasp keepers, because I find their nests all over. But they don't leave us a harvest.

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