Cost for recessed shower niche (remodel)?

How much should it cost to add a recessed shower niche with 1 or 2 shelves? It's for a remodel - the shower is being demo'd. 


I'm confused, the remodel is going on already?  What does the builder say?

I would think if this a change in specs, maybe a couple hundred $$?  Depends on materials chosen. There is structure involved, too, so that may or may not add more. If its on an outside wall, might not be possible, or at least not a good idea, since it would take away or eliminate insulation.

Please.... make sure this shower is build using correct waterproofing materials. Optimal is Schluter-KERDI system. Don't accept greenboard or hardibacker with Redgard.... that's just so inferior.

peteglider said:

I'm confused, the remodel is going on already?  What does the builder say?

I would think if this a change in specs, maybe a couple hundred $$?  Depends on materials chosen. There is structure involved, too, so that may or may not add more. If its on an outside wall, might not be possible, or at least not a good idea, since it would take away or eliminate insulation.

Please.... make sure this shower is build using correct waterproofing materials. Optimal is Schluter-KERDI system. Don't accept greenboard or hardibacker with Redgard.... that's just so inferior.

 It did not start yet. It is an add-on option. 

They would put down a fiberglass floor in the shower and wonderboard [?] on the walls. 

Perhaps $350-$500.  Consider the layout of the tile when determining the size and location of the  niche.  I've seen so many niche installations which were not planned ahead so there are little pieces of tile in irregular shapes around the niche.  Ideally (at least in my opinion and installations) the size of the niche should be a factor of the tile size and placed so that there are no partial tiles around it.  

peteglider said

Please.... make sure this shower is build using correct waterproofing materials. Optimal is Schluter-KERDI system. Don't accept greenboard or hardibacker with Redgard.... that's just so inferior.

 That's an absolutely ridiculous statement.  It's like saying: Optimal is Mercedes.  Don't accept Honda or Toyota... that's just so inferior.  Hardie with redguard is perfectly acceptable.  

Depends on size and kind of tile. A design in the niche might cost more. Around $250-500 would be ballpark. I just paid $500 extra for 2 large but very basic niches.

I’ll add I would have never guessed they’d add this much cost. I had my heart set on s bench also but it was around $600-700 to tile it. In hindsight, I’m glad we didn’t add it but it sure was more expensive than I expected.

It would be a basic niche with 1 -2 shelves. 

Mine are very basic, 1 shelf he charged around $250 each 

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