Cream for foot pain?

My MIL will be here soon (lord, help us) and the last time she was here, she drove me nuts regarding a foot cream she can no longer find in her area (ATL). Allegedly, this cream is over the counter and relieves the pain of arthritis, sore/tired feet and some other things. She said a friend told her about it and she loved it but can't remember the name.

Does anyone know of a cream like this? I'm unfamiliar. Would really like to have it for her when she walks through the door. Maybe it's her sore feet that make her consistently hostile?  question

I don't know of anything off the top of my head, but it could be a great idea to ask your pharmacist. They might know of a few to recommend. 

Unless she remembers what it is called, you are facing a tough challenge. LOL 

Could it be Bengay?

here is what WebMD has to say about arthritis creams. There are a few options.

Definitely not Bengay. She's familiar with that product.

My SIL says she thinks she knows the product and will reach out to me later. I'll post to see if anyone has heard of it / used it.

is it Dr.Hoy's natural? I got that from a chiropractor. 

Nope. It's Penetrex (sounds like it should be used on a porn set, but I digress).

Anyone heard of it? Where to get it local?

Nope but my foot doctor recommended Arnica.

I wonder if it could be Topricin she was referring to? Some time ago, I received a bunch of sample packs of this cream specifically for leg and foot pain. It is over the counter but also readily available, so not sure that is it.

kibbegirl said:
Nope. It's Penetrex (sounds like it should be used on a porn set, but I digress).
Anyone heard of it? Where to get it local?

Walgreens says they carry it and I'm pretty sure I bought some there.  (I barely used it, so can't really speak to effectiveness).  It's also listed on Amazon.

The Walgreens in Millburn? 

I've never heard of this or Topricin. Looked both up on Amazon and both get great reviews.

Is the price correct? About $20?

I"ve used topricin for plantar fasciitis and it helped...harmon has it...I"ve never seen Pentrex...may have to mail order it

Biofreeze or Arnicare. If she's not on blood thinners, tumeric capsules may help.

She isn't on blood thinners that I know of. I'll search for the one she is familiar with since she used that before. What do these products achieve? The reviews list many "improvements" based on discomfort but are there one or two sure fire discomforts that these products tackle well?

kibbegirl said:

She isn't on blood thinners that I know of. I'll search for the one she is familiar with since she used that before. What do these products achieve? The reviews list many "improvements" based on discomfort but are there one or two sure fire discomforts that these products tackle well?

Usually they address pain from either arthritis or neuropathy.  I don't think they perform any miracles against serious pain, but some people seem to get some relief from mild-moderate discomfort.

I bet it is Australian Dream. I have seen it at CVS and Walmart.

It is not cheap, but said to be more effective than most. There is also a cheaper version called Blue Emu. Both have emu oil in them that supposedly aids in absorption.

Even my podiatrist approved of it for my neuropathy.

optimyst said:

I bet it is Australian Dream. I have seen it at CVS and Walmart.

It is not cheap, but said to be more effective than most. There is also a cheaper version called Blue Emu. Both have emu oil in them that supposedly aids in absorption.

Even my podiatrist approved of it for my neuropathy.

She confirmed that the product is called Penetrex. 

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