Damn, this forum is fast

I am really liking the mobile app





Just kidding

I haven't tried it on my little gadgets yet.

Overall, I'm impressed with how well the site works.

and the search function works fantastic ! entered my search term and found the answer -- no more unnecessary duplicate posts for the same old questions ! 

I miss some things, but know they're being worked. Overall, this learning experience is fun - at this end! 

I do hope Jamie and Dave are managing to get some sleep...

joanne said:

I miss some things, but know they're being worked. Overall, this learning experience is fun - at this end! 

I do hope Jamie and Dave are managing to get some sleep...

I guess being in opposite time zones may help with that.  (Dave IS still in Hong Kong, right?)

I've also noticed this site moves VERY fast indeed. Nice!

Sac, I thought they also worked on different tasks. But I don't care! *happy grin*  I'm finding workarounds for most things, with the iPad (the desktop is more frustrating because the mouse is sticky, and there are other problems).

Oooh, neat change, fellas! Swapping the tabs at top.  Very nice.

I'm guessing it was the small number of people on it. it's definitely slowing down (though not slow by any stretch of the imagination).

There are some issues with the Chrome browser on Android. 

I can log in, but I don't seem to be logged in. Commenting isn't visible at the end of threads. When I pull down the "hamburger" menu, I see the link to sign in, but clicking it sends me to my profile page, where I can modify my settings, change my avatar, etc. But when I go back to the threads, there is still no commenting even though I'm obviously logged in as myself. 
There's no indication of threads that I've read, or what has been updated. 

The navigation doesn't make sense either.  "Home" sends me to my profile page instead of the discussions. From there, the "Home" button at the top of the page does nothing. There's no apparent way to get back other than to resort to my browser bookmark or the "Recommended Communities" link. 

You can't find a list of categories, though that was an issue with the old forum as well I think. 

On other pages, there's no functional difference in the breadcrumb navigation between "Home" and "Forums." 

Things will evolve to make more sense.  Can't speak to the Android issue, but am noting it.

@dave - the signing in thing is happening across all of my devices, Android, Chromebook and Windows. Just to help you understand the intricacies cheese

One thing I really like and really appreciate is the sizing: in any of the 'home' screens, regardless of the number of lines I've selected or the orientation of my screen, I'm unlikely to misclick a thread because it's too small on the iPad.

Thank you for that!

One thing I'm not too happy about: everything is clear and efficient, I can't waste as much time here as I used to. Even without blocking categories. Drats! Foiled again! cheese

How do you navigate from here to other parts of MOL?

Go back up top and click on Home or Forums, or use the Categories listings on your left-hand side.

I thought rhw meant the part of MOL outside of the forums ... like the businesses, calendar, etc.

Ah. I'm not sure if they're here yet. 

That's what I thought.

A separate bookmark for maplewoodonline.com works for me.

The native android browser works. I'm using it to post this. It's just Chrome that's wack.

dave said:

Things will evolve to make more sense.  Can't speak to the Android issue, but am noting it.


Is there a way to set change the default setting from "20 rows" to "50 rows"? I have to do it every time I access the new site... :-(

This morning it is slow and glitchy.

ramzzoinksus said:

This morning it is slow and glitchy.

 It's depressed by all this rain.

Using chrome on a desktop and I keep getting signed out and need to sign back in.  Is there a way to navigate back to the discussions page to avoid this?

ridski said:

ramzzoinksus said:

This morning it is slow and glitchy.

 It's depressed by all this rain.

 Same here.

I'm on Safari, and so far the Home and Forums tabs yield identical results -- is that the case for others as well?  Also, on Safari, I'm having to sign in every time, which is no big deal.

I've noticed it is slower today and less responsive - I'm thinking that jamie and his team might be doing some tuning or making changes. I'd rather have it accessible even if slow than have the site unavailable while they fine-tune.

 But I go back to the days when if you wanted to change a program you gave a deck of punchcards to the operations people, went out for dinner and maybe, a few hours later, found out if your changes had worked (or not)! So, this is good.

slowness could be us working on things in the background - hang in there! 

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