Discarding old medications?

I know there was an old thread on this, but couldn't find it. How does one get rid of old meds? I have a ton of them that my 94 year old mom doesn't take anymore.

Police Department has taken them in the past. I don't know if this is an occassional thing on scheduled dates or if they will take them any time. I would suggest calling their non-emergency number to get more information.

I think common thing is to remove from bottles, crush the pills, and discard in trash. Do not flush or pour down drains.


Millburn Police headquarters has a drop off box available 24/7 in the lobby.


j_r said:

Millburn Police headquarters has a drop off box available 24/7 in the lobby.


Great to know, thanks @jr, I would never flush them, I may be old but not stupid!

Give them to @ctrzaska


The Maplewood Police will take them. Bring them to the Police Headquarters.

marcsiry said:

Give them to @ctrzaska


Well, no xanax here, these meds would cause his heart rate to drop and probably bottom out his blood pressure! wink

Wow. Who knew?! The things one learns on MOL!

Where I am in rural NY, the police don't take them anymore. My mom's pharmacist told me to put them in wet garbage like coffee grounds to put in trash. I figured I would put them through the ninja and then discard. Good excuse to make a good strong pot of coffee! But if millburn police takes them maybe I will just bring them home with me and take them there.

Yes, the Millburn police will take them - there is a box that looks like a secure post office box, which is what it is - and you can drop them off there. But as a prior MOL trail shows, Robert Rowe, the Maplewood health officer, explained that we burn our garbage, so all you have to do is put it in your coffee grinds, or however else you want to make it "unuseful" and then throw it out.

Will be dropping them off at one of the police departments. Thanks all, for th info!

Kitty litter. No one is going to go through your used kitty litter.

Except OC addicts. They'll happily sift through your kitty litter if they know there's some sweet, sweet nectar in the bag.

RobB said:

Except OC addicts. They'll happily sift through your kitty litter if they know there's some sweet, sweet nectar in the bag.

How would they know?

I'm just repeating what I read on some blog

When is that dated? I thought the current philosophy was NOT to flush because it ends up in the water stream.

South Orange Pharmacy will take them for disposal, at least they do for customers.

I find it hard to believe drug addicts would paw through my USED kitty litter looking for meds they don't even know are there. Are you saying they go through cat litter routinely??? Like, that's a thing???

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