Disposal of latex paint?

I notice that when Essex County has hazardous waste disposal days, oil paint is included but latex paint is not. Over the years, we've accumulated probably a dozen cans of leftover latex paint. How are we supposed to get rid of it?

I think if you let it dry up completely it can be thrown out at dpw or garbage.

Let it dry out completely and then add the pail to your garbage. 

I'm not familiar with any option to take it over to Maplewood's DPW.

prob just garbage...

krnl said:

Let it dry out completely and then add the pail to your garbage. 

I'm not familiar with any option to take it over to Maplewood's DPW.


Some of the can were/are half full. I'll probably dry out before they will...

Mix in paint hardener or kitty litter and toss it in the trash.

dave23 said:

Mix in paint hardener or kitty litter and toss it in the trash.

 Yep. A bag of the cheapest cat litter you can find will do the trick nicely.

Cool! Thanks for the suggestion.

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