Doc Martin

For fans of the British production "Doc Martin," it returns on Channel 21 (WLIW) at 9:00 p.m. tonight. BTW, I recently started watching "Keeping Up Appearances."  I didn't realize how laugh out loud funny it is.  

this is season 7, right? We've just started watching it from downloads; it's hysterical! (Except D missed an ep and another was badly copied). 

I've also marked another Martin Clunes series to watch, The Town. Will let you know.

Currently, they're showing Season 6.  Season 7 starts in January.  

DottyParker said:
I recently started watching "Keeping Up Appearances."  I didn't realize how laugh out loud funny it is.  

Do you mean Hyacinth Bouquet (a/k/a That Bucket Woman) (Patricia Routeledge, who plays her to perfection), whose sister Violet, you know, is the one with the Mercedes, sauna and room for a pony?  For years we compared our aunt to Hyacinth and swore the character was based on her.  I still watch them every Saturday night, and follow with "As Time Goes By" (Judi Dench).

Season 7 of Doc Martin begins Wednesday on channel 21 at 9 pm. Love this series!   Just read there will be an eighth series.

I have watched a few episodes from that season...I now dislike "Louiser" as much as Martin, if not more.

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