Does Verizon Wirelss have service in the Hudson River tunnels?

With all the delays on NJT lately, I'm finding it more and more important for me to have decent cell service in Penn Station and service in the tunnels. I have T-mobile and have phone/text service in Penn Station but only 2G data service in the station and no bars in the tunnel. I see people using phones in the tunnels. Is that Verizon or another carrier?

I think it is probably Verizon. They have the better coverage area around here from what I've experienced... Had same issue as you w AT&

I have Verizon and it works in the tunnels.

It is Verizon. My phone will ring or I get text on the 2 3 also.

Verizon will have service as long as it is not too overloaded - I struggle to get data service during rush hour, but if I am on an off peak train, no problems at all.

Thanks all. I know Verizon is more expensive, but with all the delays, it gets frustrating sometimes when you don't have service.

SpacemanSpiff said:
With all the delays on NJT lately, I'm finding it more and more important for me to have decent cell service in Penn Station and service in the tunnels. I have T-mobile and have phone/text service in Penn Station but only 2G data service in the station and no bars in the tunnel. I see people using phones in the tunnels. Is that Verizon or another carrier?

This was my reason for switching from T Mobile to Verizon years ago. Note that Verizon does not work in the PATH tunnels.

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