I just tried it with a file I wouldn't need (just in case!). It did not delete the original from my hard drive. However I think if you were storing it in your Dropbox and accessing it from different devices without downloading it onto them, then it would be gone from them all for good.
No reason you can't get rid of Dropbox, it's just a cloud storage service. Move everything you want to keep to your hard drive or a flash drive as jmitw suggested, and delete your Dropbox account. I have Dropbox automatically upload pictures I take with my phone camera (since once in a while I stupidly accidentally delete the storage folder on the phone) so if you have something like that set up, just change it to store somewhere else.
mulemom said: . I have Dropbox automatically upload pictures I take with my phone camera (since once in a while I stupidly accidentally delete the storage folder on the phone) so if you have something like that set up, just change it to store somewhere else.
How can a person accidentally delete the storage folder on the phone??
I am trying to remove some files no longer needed from my Dropbox folder.
I get a popup indicating, that it will be deleted from 'all devices'. Does this mean that it will erase the original file on my hard drive also?
I would really prefer to just get rid of Dropbox alltogeher. Any complications?