Facebook 'security' scam

I had heard about this a while ago, but just got the notice myself....I log onto FB and get the message from security that my account is locked due to a breach.....BUT I AM IN MY ACCOUNT!!!!!!  So obviously it is not locked.......

But, yet people fall for this...

How do you get a message? Email, messenger, text? I am not sure I understand. In any case, I would change my password just to be safe.

it came as a facebook message..on my page...that I had to log in to in order to see the message the they had suspended by account and supposedly couldn't log in ..which obviously wasn't suspended...

my friends computer was recently hacked..she got an email from 'windows security' saying to call them because her computer was infected.....she has a Mac...and it didn't dawn on her that something was up...called them.gave them access...so now I am guessing all her contacts are being targeted

I occasionally get emails to this effect, purportedly from Facebook, but they come in on an e-mail account that is not listed with Facebook, so I know they're fake.  I used to get the same thing from LinkedIn, and I deleted them too.

jmitw said:

it came as a facebook message..on my page...that I had to log in to in order to see the message the they had suspended by account and supposedly couldn't log in ..which obviously wasn't suspended...

my friends computer was recently hacked..she got an email from 'windows security' saying to call them because her computer was infected.....she has a Mac...and it didn't dawn on her that something was up...called them.gave them access...so now I am guessing all her contacts are being targeted

The past 2 weeks I get phone calls from "Windows Security"  saying there is a problem with my window's program.   I have Mac's.   So annoyed.  

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