fire truck visit at birthday party

I've heard that they'll stop by. Is that true?

Yes. Just light 200 candles on the cake, then dial 911. oh oh

I gave a party at the Maplewood fire department one year. Brave partygoers were able to slide down the pole, and everyone was allowed to sit in the engine. Much more fun to be at the station, IMO!

j_r said:
I gave a party at the Maplewood fire department one year. Brave partygoers were able to slide down the pole, and everyone was allowed to sit in the engine. Much more fun to be at the station, IMO!

This is what we're hoping to do this fall

Ok, so my youngest is in college... But how I wish I'd been able to do a party like this!

Do it!! And have so much fun

We did it last year in Mwood for 3 year olds then spilled over into park/playground across the street for pizza and cake. Firefighters were great - kids learned about safety, got to sit in the truck, work the water hose, etc. Got cut a little sort when the firefighters got a call but the kids got to see them "in action". Whether you do it there or if they come to you, please make a donation to the station.

peteglider said:
Ok, so my youngest is in college... But how I wish I'd been able to do a party like this!
Do it!! And have so much fun

My old man is a retired NYC fire fighter. There was nothing cooler as a kid then birthday parties at the firehouse or being picked up from school after first holy communion in a pumper. Your kid will love it!

maplewood and millburn FDs offer this service. very wonderful for kids of all ages.

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