Getting rid of fruit flies

So we seem to have gotten an infestation of fruit flies in our upstairs bathroom.  Tried the trick of using a funnel into a jar with apple cider vinegar but it doesn't seem to be working.  Any other ideas?

Where is AngelaK when you need her? Wasn't she our resident expert on fruit flies? ;-)

My approach with them has always been to get rid of whatever is attracting them, then just keep killing them until you don't see any more. I've even been known to go after them with a handheld vacuum.

They are upstairs in a bathroom so I have no idea what is attracting them.  I think they just laid eggs up there from wherever they originated LOL

I use a cup with plastic wrap over the top, then a rubber band to secure the plastic wrap. Put wine or viniger in the cup. Poke some small holes in the plastic wrap so the flys get in, I use a fork. Place around the areas where they are. Give it a week or so and done. If you got plants in your bathroom they could be there. 

They're attracted to sweet and to water. So: you don't want fruit scented oils or shower gels, shampoos etc. close the lid on the loo. No pools of standing water around any pot plants. Any room deodorisers shouldn't be too fruity. Make sure your windows have secure fly screens and the screens are intact...and no one has any fruit or frit peel in their bedrooms.

And if possible, make sure your gutters and eaves are clean with nothing rotting in them.

And try to make sure they're fruit flies and not another kind of annoying small insect such as a midge or thrip.  Good luck!!

ace11 's suggestion is what we do.  Also, pour some bleach down the shower drain and sink drain after they've been used for the evening..

If they are in the bathroom, I'd suspect drain flies, which live in the gunk in your drains. (Delightful.) Drain cleaner should do the trick.

Don't forget a drop of dish detergent in the vinegar.   Breaks the surface tension of the liquid and they can't escape.  

Oh, god. Drain flies. I had forgotten all about that, but you are right. Clean the sink and tub thoroughly and pour some serious chemicals down all orifices. I used to spray cleanser around the overflow drain, too, since they tended to congregate there. Thank goodness I haven't had those little feckers since we moved to CT. Dumb luck, I guess. UGH.

Angela's back (new avatar), been to see Mad Max. PM her!

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