Giants game

Anyone else getting an error message and unable to watch the game?

I'm watching it on Youtube TV with no issues.

jeffl said:

Anyone else getting an error message and unable to watch the game?

 That's just the Giants in general this season.

The Category selection is sublime.

Line from a Philadelphia Inquirer columnist tonight: 

”The New York Mets have a more recent win than the Giants.”

DaveSchmidt said:

The Category selection is sublime.

DaveSchmidt’s version of trash-talking.  cheese

Giants have the worst pass defense I've ever seen in all my years of watching football.  How many times this year have we seen defenders in the secondary running the wrong ways, and receivers open by 15 or 20 yards?  It looks like a bad HS team out there at times.

jimmurphy said:

DaveSchmidt’s version of trash-talking. 

Heh. Sublime because both teams need it.

jeffl said:

Anyone else getting an error message and unable to watch the game?

 The game was on Channel 7 (broadcast).

ml1 said:

Giants have the worst pass defense I've ever seen in all my years of watching football.  How many times this year have we seen defenders in the secondary running the wrong ways, and receivers open by 15 or 20 yards?  It looks like a bad HS team out there at times.

 Yeah - I could have thrown that winning pass, the receiver was so open.

At least the first half was kind of fun - that's more than we've gotten the last 8 games.

drummerboy said:

 Yeah - I could have thrown that winning pass, the receiver was so open.

A few times in the second half I was thinking I could have caught some of those passes the receivers were so wide open.  I think there were guys on the bench closer to the receivers than the DBs.

DaveSchmidt said:

Line from a Philadelphia Inquirer columnist tonight: 

”The New York Mets have a more recent win than the Giants.”

I just's true by about 2 1/2 hours.  Sigh...

Fire everyone.


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