Good News: To Draw NJ Students, the Univ. of Maine Will Match Rutgers In-State Tuition & Fees

Good News for NJ HS Grads, according to an article on (, one out-of-state school is giving NJ students a 50% discount to attend:

An out-of-state college wants New Jersey's students. And it's willing to cut its price in order to them get then. The University of Maine,
a public college in Orono, will let New Jersey students with a 3.0 and
1050 on the SAT attend the school for the same price of in-state tuition
and fees at Rutgers University — about a 50 percent discount.
The deal is part of an initiative to draw more students from
out-of-state as competition increases for America's declining number of
college students. Similar offers will be extended to students from five
other northeast states, including Pennsylvania, according to the
"The University of Maine strives for diversity and academic
excellence in its student body," said Joel Wincowski, the college's
interim vice president for enrollment management. "Attracting students
from New Jersey, as well as other states, is critical to meet those
More than 650 New Jersey students applied to the University of Maine
last year, but there are only 89 students from New Jersey currently
enrolled, according to the school.

The best part about this news, I think, is it might spark a tuition discount war to attract NJ students which makes a lot of sense since our students are among the brightest, if not the brightest, in the country (for example, NJ's PSAT 2016 cut off score for the National Merit Scholarship is higher than every other state this year, While I think Rutgers is the best bet for our students, it is becoming difficult to get into Rutgers unless you have a very good GPA and good test scores.  In fact, it is already common to be admitted only to Rutgers Newark or Rutgers Camden if you don't have top stats. The Maine School is offering this deal to all NJ Students with just 3.0 GPA and SAT of 1050, stats that might not even get you into Rutgers any more, so this would be a very nice deal.  Now, if the Big Ten Schools would just offer such a deal ....

Do you know what the out-of-state tuition is for UMO, and the instate tuition for Rutgers? Just wondering  the amount that is being saved. I'll read the article and find out. Thanks. Very smart on Maine's part.

In state: 11.5k

Out of state: 30k

NE/Canada: 15.5

Plus room and board.

If memory serves, bring a jacket.

RobB said:

In state: 11.5k

Out of state: 30k

NE/Canada: 15.5

Plus room and board.

If memory serves, bring a jacket.

do they really give a deal to Canadians!!! only $ 1,000 more than that charged to residents of NJ

82% percent rate of admission..... so goooood odds..

They're offering the same program from the OP to the rest of New England* and Pennsylvania.

*Except RI

RobB said:

They're offering the same program from the OP to the rest of New England* and Pennsylvania.

*Except RI

screw RI...

Bunch of strippers and felons. And that's just the former mayors of Providence. 

I'm not sure why - wasn't listed in the article I read.

sac said:

Why not RI?

You'd have to ask the trustees of Maine's state university system. 

sac said:

Why not RI?

Have you been to RI?

RobB said:

Bunch of strippers and felons. And that's just the former mayors of Providence. 

I'm not sure why - wasn't listed in the article I read.

This post is a classic! 

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