Happy Holidays and Seasons Greetings thread

There was a previous thread with the same name, but that was archived about 13 years ago.
I figure, then, that I can create another with the same name.

Joanne and I wish you the Compliments of the Season!

Nice to hear from you 2!  That was nice.   smile   Happy Holidays!

Happy Holidays to all and particularly to our friends down under.  What a lovely message.  To hear the voices of people who's words I have read for years is a rare treat!

Happy holidays!   Wishing everyone a healthy new year in which we can safely gather together in person again..

 Santa at the end of my street  blank stare

Oh, man, that was GREAT. Thank you, both, and (belated) Merry Christmas to you, too.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!

Thank you so much for that! It's good to have a voice to attach to your posts now! Merry Christmas to you both. And David, too. ;-)

It’s coming on to 10:30am my time on Christmas morning, so not belated at all, DS  wink Marksierra is an hour ahead of me, on Summer Time (my State doesn’t believe we need it, it fades your curtains and makes the cows grumpy). 
unnervingly quiet for this time of day, although an hour ago a car did slowly drive by blasting out jingly Christmas songs smile 

DaveSchmidt said:

Oh, man, that was GREAT. Thank you, both, and (belated) Merry Christmas to you, too.

joanne said:

It’s coming on to 10:30am my time on Christmas morning, so not belated at all, DS 

Oops, I lost all track of space and time.

Merry Christmas to all and happy New Year!

That was lovely! Happy holidays!

That was fantastic, thank you, and happy holidays to you as well!

… And Happy Boxing Day hugs to all of you too, especially those with Commonwealth connections cheese

Aussies have a neat industrial quirk this year: since Christmas and Boxing Day, both designated Public Holidays, fall on the weekend, the following Monday and Tuesday are designated ‘days off in-lieu’, so workers get 4 days off for their weekend. Woohoo!  question

joanne said:

… And Happy Boxing Day hugs to all of you too, especially those with Commonwealth connections
Aussies have a neat industrial quirk this year: since Christmas and Boxing Day, both designated Public Holidays, fall on the weekend, the following Monday and Tuesday are designated ‘days off in-lieu’, so workers get 4 days off for their weekend. Woohoo! 

Some also get a further day off - making it a five-day weekend!

Loved hearing your voices! You both sounded wonderful! Warmest holiday greetings to you, too, and to everyone here in MOL land!

What a treat -- I can't help but enjoy the Aussie accents, and your voices are just lovely! Now I can kind of hear your voices when I read your posts.  grin

sprout said:

What a treat -- I can't help but enjoy the Aussie accents, and your voices are just lovely! Now I can kind of hear your voices when I read your posts. 

Joanne's  and marksierra's  Aussie accents remind me of Aussie tv shows, which are some of my favorites - Offspring, Rake, A Place Called Home - but they have better voices. 

Happy Holidays!

cramer said:

sprout said:

What a treat -- I can't help but enjoy the Aussie accents, and your voices are just lovely! Now I can kind of hear your voices when I read your posts. 

Joanne's  and marksierra's  Aussie accents remind me of Aussie tv shows, which are some of my favorites - Offspring, Rake, A Place Called Home - but they have better voices. 

Happy Holidays!

Have you seen Bluey?

marksierra said:

cramer said:

sprout said:

What a treat -- I can't help but enjoy the Aussie accents, and your voices are just lovely! Now I can kind of hear your voices when I read your posts. 

Joanne's  and marksierra's  Aussie accents remind me of Aussie tv shows, which are some of my favorites - Offspring, Rake, A Place Called Home - but they have better voices. 

Happy Holidays!

Have you seen Bluey?

I haven't. Do you mean the animated children's tv series?  I had to look it up and it has wonderful  reviews - some by adults who don't have children. 

eta - As you can tell, I'm a big fan of Australian tv . You Aussies really know how to do it. 

marksierra said:

Have you seen Bluey?

I have to watch it because my grandson loves it. It’s a really cool show. We get it on Disney channel. He actually dances to the song. Must admit It’s a kids show that adults can watch. At least I can. Kids imagination when they play. Two thumbs up.

You guys get a truncated version of each episode, unfortunately. And YouTube also shortens them a bit. If you possibly can, try to get the Aussie versions that you can watch on a computer not a TV (we have different broadcast systems). 
ETA: episode Pavlova, for example, is 7 mins with no ads. 

Jaytee said:

marksierra said:

Have you seen Bluey?

I have to watch it because my grandson loves it. It’s a really cool show. We get it on Disney channel. He actually dances to the song. Must admit It’s a kids show that adults can watch. At least I can. 

There are a lot of adults who watch the program.  While it is aimed at an audience of children, there are many aspects that adults can appreciate.  I think in that way, the program serves a double purpose.

By giving adults - especially those who are parents - something to watch, it is also providing a frame of reference that can/will/should lead to topics for discussion between children and their parents.

@cramer, your YouTube video can't be shown 'in my country', but I did find the episode locally.

@ joanne, it's the Christmas Swim episode that cramer has linked to.

Yes, Bluey is on Disney or Disney+ in the US.  US viewers won't get to see the new Season 3 shows until some time in 2022.

(Ahem. What joanne is suggesting is to use a VPN program and look for 'ABC iview' in Australia.)

it was nice to hear your voices grin

Although I've been posting on the board for almost 20 years, I somehow missed the story of how a couple of folks from Australia became regular contributors here.  At the risk of boring those who have heard the story already -- how did you become part of this virtual community? grin

BTW, to MOLers everywhere...


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