Happy Mother's Day

Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers and children of mothers reading this board.  If you are lucky enough to have your mother and/or children close by, try to spend some time with them today.  If your mother/child[ren] are far away but reachable, try reaching out to them.  If, like me, your mother is now beyond reach, try spending a few moments fondly remembering the good Mother's Days you had together when getting together was possible.  Enjoy the day.

Nice post, Joan. I will add my Happy Mother's Day to all, and I will be remembering my Mom today and wishing I could still celebrate with her.

My Mom, my greatest champion of all time ...how I miss her after all these years 

Her heart was bigger than ever and always there for us ..lessons well learned from her and wishing to be together in time .

If your mom is here , near or far , talk to her and let her know your care , busy as your life may be .

I'm also just going to leave this here, because it's important to keep in mind. http://jezebel.com/a-toast-to-all-the-brave-kids-who-broke-up-with-their-t-1702954639

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