Honest AC help

I need an honest estimate for AC options in my music studio. Mini-split? Better window unit? Other ideas?

I've been using a portable window unit and it's driving me nuts. The fan noise is okay, but the condenser is too loud. I received an estimate a few weeks ago, but the quote was absolutely insane.

Any recommendations is much appreciated!


How large is your studio?

How large is your current unit?

Does it do a good job of cooling the space?

Is your studio insulated? My brother in law has a mini split in his studio and he loves it because it is so quiet.

Apollo_T said:
How large is your studio?
How large is your current unit?
Does it do a good job of cooling the space?

Studio is about 300 square feet (but has slanted walls and a vaulted ceiling). The current unit is 5300 BTUs. It does a good job cooling the space.

FilmCarp said:
Is your studio insulated? My brother in law has a mini split in his studio and he loves it because it is so quiet.

Yes. It's insulated.

I like splits and wish I had them in my house. They move the noisy part of an a/c unit outside. Houses I have been in that have splits have been very comfortable and you hardly know they are running.

Although their installation is less involved than central air you still need to run an electrical circuit and drill some holes through your wall to the outside. You also need a good place to position the compressor outside. I don't know if code requires a concrete pad or something similar.

A new window unit would certainly cost less, but I've yet to find a really quiet window a/c. Although Consumer Reports gives this one high marks for quiet: http://www.amazon.com/Friedrich-SQ05N10B-200-BTU-Conditioner/dp/B00GM2YX5I#productDescription_secondary_view_pageState_1435080688670

Pricier than the Home Depot $250 model? Yes, but maybe the cost-benefit ratio is what you're looking for. Plus apparently you can get a doodad to let you control it remotely via a wifi connection. You could turn it on or off from your smartphone. I'm intrigued.

What estimate did you get? Was it for a split system

I think a mini split may be overkill for a 300 sq ft space-probably a couple grand $?

we have one at the beach cooling around 700 sq ft-does a great job and we saved the window (we now use it as a window)

I got an estimate from Bornstein and Sons. His fee was $5k+ for the "basic" split system. I thought that was insane.

that is a lot-but I paid over $4k for a 17k btu unit six years ago. I figured a smaller unit and maybe prices of the units came down-guess not.

mrincredible said:
A new window unit would certainly cost less, but I've yet to find a really quiet window a/c. Although Consumer Reports gives this one high marks for quiet: http://www.amazon.com/Friedrich-SQ05N10B-200-BTU-Conditioner/dp/B00GM2YX5I#productDescription_secondary_view_pageState_1435080688670
Pricier than the Home Depot $250 model? Yes, but maybe the cost-benefit ratio is what you're looking for. Plus apparently you can get a doodad to let you control it remotely via a wifi connection. You could turn it on or off from your smartphone. I'm intrigued.

Looks like a nice AC. The noise is the most important issue for me. If this AC was able to solve that problem (or greatly reduce it), then I'm sold. I wish there was a way I could see it (hear it) before buying.


I have a 5000 BTU unit that I can lend you.

If interested PM me

composerjohn said:
I got an estimate from Bornstein and Sons. His fee was $5k+ for the "basic" split system. I thought that was insane.

Golly. Was this going to be just for the one room?

Well, to be fair, the ductless system will require the same components whether it is cooling a single room or an entire floor, and it also will require the same amount of work to install, so I can understand the pricing on that, as sickening as the number is.

Have you considered a portable a/c? I saw one at Home Depot last week made by LG, and although I have had bad luck with an LG dishwasher in the past, I'm considering it. It gets pretty good reviews online, and it was VERY quiet when we were standing over the one operating on the floor at HD. About $250, IIRC.


I always assumed a portable AC wouldn't work. But maybe I'm wrong.

I am hoping they have been improved a lot as years go by. The one we were standing in front of was pumping out cold air like there was no tomorrow. I think it's worth some online research and looking at reviews to see how people like them these days. That's what I've been doing.

Are they as good as ductless or central A/C? No. But they are far less costly. And I have grown utterly sick of the work involved in putting window units in at the start of summer and taking them out before winter. I can't do it myself, and it takes forever for Mr. PeggyC to do it.

There's gotta be a better way.

Call John Kubilus at Charles Dae.

FYI, just measured the decibels.

AC on = around 55-60db

AC off = around 30db

Makes all the difference when off. I can hear!

composerjohn said:
FYI, just measured the decibels.
AC on = around 55-60db
AC off = around 30db
Makes all the difference when off. I can hear!


Apparently 55db is around average for "household noises" (including ACs). So I guess that's considered normal. It's just when writing and mixing my ears are super sensitive.

Sorry. I was trying to carry off one of the world's oldest jokes.

Snort. I can see why it would be very important for you to have as little background noise as possible. Would earphones help? (not sure if that's a dumb question or not...)

You're seeking a price for work during the contractors peak demand season. If you can wait until October I'll bet the price drops by $2k.

Oo, that's a good reminder. By then, we might even have sorted out some things so we can put some reno projects in our budget. smile

Red_Barchetta said:
You're seeking a price for work during the contractors peak demand season. If you can wait until October I'll bet the price drops by $2k.

Yes. I'll probably end up waiting.

LOVE today's weather!! No AC. Lovely. And I can hear!

Yes, it's not bad at all when the humidity stays lower. Today was gorgeous up here, too (central CT).

We have splits. Can't hear them at all.

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