meandtheboys said:
The fact that people have concerns that you don't share does not translate to "hand-wringing."
mammabear said:
So much hand-wringing...yowza!
meandtheboys said:
It's not the test of the test. It's the full roll-out. And it will count for 10% of teacher evaluations. With a higher percentage in the next couple of years.
ctrzaska said:
Heard some kids wrote essay answers about why they hated the test since they knew it meant nothing this year. Lovely.
ctrzaska said:
To answer the OP's question-- both found it rather easy and no big deal. Though my 8th grader thought the delays in getting it off the ground were a bit much.
meandtheboys said:
SOMSD has decided it won't count for students this year. But it will starting next year.
A problem occurred when some of the kids logged into tomorrow's test. With that, the whole class was told to take tomorrow's test today. My child had to leave at 12:30 today for a doctors appointment so she was told not to take tomorrow's test today with her class because they wouldn't be done by then. But now she can't take tomorrow's test tomorrow. She'll have to do it during the make up week. This leaves her sitting it out tomorrow.
Fun times!!