How do I know if I need a permit for this - who do I ask?

I'm planning to update my kitchen by putting in new countertops and flooring. Keeping the cabinets and everything else in same place. I am however, changing an entry to the kitchen. There are currently three means of entering/leaving the space. Wish to make it two. There are no structural reasons why not that we have come across, the third entrance (That I wish to close off) leads to the mudroom and a backdoor. The two remaining entryways lead to rooms that also have doors leading to the outside of the house. Not sure if this falls within permitted changes or not, as the kitchen itself does not currently have any means of egress. My question relates to point B- according to what I found online:

Any thoughts?

I cannot imagine that closing off an entry to a room that does not have outside access would require a permit (since you're just framing in and closing an opening).

... assuming the room(s) where the soon the closed off entry are still have egress to outside.

oh -- a quick visit to town hall should answer your question.


Call or go to Town Hall and ask.  

The closing off of the doorway to the mudroom (and back door) likely constitutes "removal or change of any required means of egress", which requires a permit.

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