How to Minimize Dog's Stress During Renovation

I'm thinking my dog might need to go to "camp" during the day while we do a bathroom renovation. Husband and I both work full time. Any suggestions?

That is the best idea------actually you might think about boarding him during the week and bringing him home on the weekends. That might be less stressful than sending him away every day.

We're available at Doggone Farm if your pup loves others and needs care for a bit while you have your work done oh oh

If you can send him away to "camp" that would be best for all. Also, if he's kennel trained and you can put the kennel in a quiet part of the house and give him a fav toy that could also work.

Unless your house is very large and/or soundproof I don’t see how the doog would be able to feel comfortable and not stressed. I brought our dog to Preferred Pet Care each day when we were having the interior of our house painted. If you or you husband can leave home late enough to drop teh dog off and be home in time to pick the dog up at the end of the day care day I would think that is a good solution. I find boarding our dog ends up being more disruptive and generally just board him when we are actually going to be away overnight or back too late to pick up at day care, but of course that is a matter of taste and scheduling convenience.

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