I don't know the correct term(s)

I would like to do the following and I don't know the correct terms to use in my search. I have an older model digital camera with an A/V port to display live from camera on tv. I believe camera also has an HDMI port. It's a simple hardwired connection. I've done this with zero problems.

I would like to do this with an iPad2 instead of the tv. My original guess was that it would a simple- different-wired connection. It seems substituting a tablet for a tv is a whole new ball of wax.

Can I do this? What are the correct terms? It's not tethering; is it streaming? Remember I need to do this via hardwire since I don't have a data plan and camera is NOT wifi capable.

Hi Tom,

I'm trying to go, live view, from a digital still camera to the iPad2... TV NOT to be involved. Essentially I'm trying to use my iPad as a 10" viewer for the camera.

I don't know what etty means, but I agree, this is impossible unless your camera can upload to the cloud somewhere your ipad can read from. Some cameras do, but I suspect you're not in the market for a new camera.

Have you tried using your ipad as a camera? I believe the lens isn't amazingly good, but the viewfinder (the screen) is.

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