I have a intermatic light switch ...

Anyone know why?  It’s in a half bathroom- not the main switch- just for one ceiling light that isn’t needed.

jimmurphy said:
Heat lamp bulb?

 That would be my guess as well.

def heat lamp.  they are good for drying the mirrors and keeping u toasty. so get a heat lamp for that fixture!!!

yeah - I guess I had thought of that - just wouldn't trust a heat lamp bulb in that location.  Hence the timer.

We installed that switch in the bathroom that my kids shared. It was connected to an electric heater since the house's heat didn't reach that bathroom. We knew that if we didn't use this, the kids would turn the heat on and forget about it.

I have one similar for my whole house fan. Definitely get a French fry

Also good for running a bathroom fan so you don't have to remember to shut it off. But you can leave it on for a specific amount of time to clear moisture from running your shower, for instance. Or other activities which might require an extended (but finite) period of vigorous ventilation.

dano said:
I have one similar for my whole house fan. 

 Same here and I have seen them on heat lamps at times.  It definitely makes sense.

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