Cleaning house and came across my old, old IBM PC. Two floppy drives! Yikes. Any use for this, either practical or historic? Or to the dump?

Does bring back memories...

Liberty Science Center used to take them and put them on display and for deconstruction. you might want to check and see if they still do....

I have read that electronics recycling programs melt the circuit boards thus separating the metals which truly get reused. I think that's the best use for it.

You could always try the Facebook swap and see if anyone wants something historic for a collection (video games and non-PC hardware would probably prove to be more popular though, doesn't hurt to try. Apart from that probably just recycle it like you would a current computer.

Achieve Foundation's Maker Madness might like it.  This year it will be April 30.  Last year there was a booth with tons of old electronics (cell phones, computers, tv clickers, etc) where kids were taking them apart to examine all of the parts.  

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