Invitation: Hand-care Club cheese

So over here some of my friends are feeling anxious or depressed: we’re in a snap lockdown again, thanks to the Delta strain. 
At the same time we’re finding we’re doing more housework, more dishes and laundry and our hands are drying out. We need to calm down!

We’re banding together for a few minutes each day, to breathe deeply and to rub some soothing handcream into our tired dry hands and cuticles. Who’s with us?

We’re doing 10:30 am and 2:30 pm; that’s around 8:30pm and bedtime for you. (We’re a day ahead) OR you could choose the same day-times we’re doing.  Let me know, and I’ll join you cheese

Who’s for softer hands and a calmer mind? 

Our first 2-minute thinking-of-you session will be in one hour  question

I might add a quick foot-rub for me this time too, my heels are such a mess!

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