Is it possible to make revisions while a document is in dropbox?

Without going into detail, I would really like to revise some documents that are in dropbox while they are in dropbox rather than downloading and revising on my desktop.

Is this possible?

If it is possible, can you tell me how?

Thank you!

D says yes. You open it up in the relevant program, make your changes then save again. It should be saved back in the Dropbox.

Absolutely. I've been doing it for years, a great way to make sure I have certain information up to date no matter where I am.

thank you joanne and tom. I will try it. I did try it, but I will now try again and use D's advice. Thank D too please!!

D just said he's assuming that the document is editable in the first place...if it's a read-only version, you're stuck.

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