ISO Used Children's Music CDs

Hi All! We're looking for some used children's music CDs to have in our car. One can only listen to "This Old Man" and "Mulberry Bush" so many times before one loses one's mind. Anyone have some in decent condition that I can take off your hands? Alternatively, does anyone know of a great secondhand records store around here that sells used CDs?


Maybe try Amazon or EBay for used as well, unless you need them ASAP. We love the Keller Williams kids CD, Laurie Berkner, the Okee Dokee Brothers. Also, if you have Sirius radio in your car there's a great station called Kids Place Live, on channel 78. We've discovered a lot of fun songs that way.

I may have some. Let me check with the kids.

Have you tried Unique thrift store...the nearest one is in Union on 22 by Best Buy.

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