Jury Duty

I start jury duty tomorrow and am wondering what time you are typically released? We already had purchased tickets to a B'way show before I received the summons. Just wondering if I have any chance of making a 5:30 dinner reservation in the city! Curtain is 7:00pm.

You might be able to show them the reservations (tickets) and get a reschedule.

Take the train from Newark Penn and you should have no problem.

you get out at 4pm the latest... sometimes earlier... probably not going to get to reschedule for show tix

terminator3 said:
you get out at 4pm the latest... sometimes earlier... probably not going to get to reschedule for show tix

Unless you are in the voir dire process...This happened to me recently and the judge kept us until after 4:30.

I was on jury duty just about this time last year - it was very, very slow. Only one panel was called for examination and the rest of us were dismissed about 3 p.m. and told not to come back the next day. Seems that the last weeks of June are traditionally slow, or at least that's what I was told by several other people.

I don't ever recall being there later than 4:30, so if you take a train from Newark, you should be able to make it

Thanks all! Hoping for the best

Expect to get out around 4:00. We don't want the overworked judges to tire themselves.

However watch out for the rare sequester.

Expect to get out around 4:00. We don't want the overworked judges to tire themselves.

However watch out for the rare sequester.

I magically got out before noon on the first day when I served - only one trial on and the parties settled before jury selection could begin! Good luck.

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