Kickstarter v. Gofundme v. whatever else

Does anyone have experience with these? I never thought I would have to make one. Thanks in advance!

You should review the terms and conditions of each and the FAQs for more info and to confirm the following.

From recent experiences: GoFundMe charges 8% (5% of total and 3% of each donation) and the person who created the account has unlimited rights to withdraw funds without it being reflected in the total showing up to donors. Donors have to trust that the funds will be used in full for what is represented. (As an aside, I wish HK Community Fund was still around since there was no 8% charge and it was set up so there was a charitable donation write-off so the money would go much farther.)

Kickstarter requires you to set a specific dollar goal and if the goal is not met the funds are not collected from donors so there is no distribution. I don't know what/if they charge.

Good luck.

Kickstarter is so large now that they often turn down proposals without explanation.

They charge 5%. Not sure if there are any other fees on top of that.

Is kickstarter only for artistic projects? This would be to help me with an insane amount of vet bills. Trying to save my cat.

I wasn't aware of this before, but I checked Kickstarter's rules, and you're right, it is for creative projects only.

I know I've contributed to pet-related campaigns on as well as GoFundMe--they might be worth checking out too.

And sorry to hear about your cat.

There is also

Am unable to help, but want to wish all the best for your cat. What an awful bind to be it.
tongue laugh

Hey guys, thanks again. I think I am going to go with GoFundMe. If anyone has any add'l advice for that specific site, let me know oh oh

So I finally did it. Just wondering if anyone who has knowledge of this has any critiques of my page / tips on what to write / and also methodologies of getting the word out (i.e. Where do I post? My friend says I need Instagram). I just made it in the middle of the night 

Thanks for any advice !

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