@afa Those are beech butcherblock counters from Ikea. We stained and poly'ed them. They are holding up great!
I'm jealous! Great-looking floor.
Snuck a peek at the bathroom re-do, too - love the tile work. And what a beautiful doggie!
@musicmz Thanks! I would never put wood floors in a kitchen (we already had to re-refinish them after the radiator leaked!) but they are light years better than the pink vinyl tiles we had before!
And thanks - our dog is a great lil mutt.
I love your kitchen. And your bathroom, which I peeked at in your facebook link. You have excellent taste and I'm really impressed by all of that do-it-yourself-ing.
Thanks @frances! Pretty happy with the bathroom too Its hard to photograph (I need to buy a new wide angle lens!) but here's a lil peek.
I also looked at your facebook link and you've done a great job! Is that a new bathroom window? If so, what brand is it?
Hot damn! I'm finally looking at this on my computer and followed the link to your facebook. What a labor of love! How long did it take you guys? The mirrors are such an interesting touch. I am seriously impressed. You guys can come over and do our bathroom ANY time.
@afa - we did it over about 10 months. The radiator leaking on the freshly finished floors really delayed us. We were also working on the rest of the house at the same time (dining room, living room, office, bathroom, new roof and fence are all done now too!).
Someday I'd love to have a little side design business, but for now, I'm stuck designing software instead of houses!
Here is the dining room as a teaser
love your designs and execution! beautiful! makes me think that a "fixer" wouldn't be so bad to take on as the next house!
My husband and I purchased our short sale just about 11 months ago and have been diligently making it liveable again. We have finished most of the kitchen projects now – almost entirely DIY style! So I'd thought I'd share in case anyone else was thinking about doing some kitchen projects.
I tried to format this post with pictures inline, but the process was incredibly too painful to be worth it. If you're interested, there are lots of pictures here: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.10100632531443959&type=1&l=561d0adfec or on instagram @dovelybee #McCaroReno