Lambertville flea market this weekend

Will it be great or not, given that it's a holiday weekend? Anyone know?

Lambertville and New Hope both tend to be overrun with tourists most summer weekends anyway. I'm guessing it could be a real madhouse there over the 4th of July, with or without a flea market.

The Golden Nugget is south of Lambertville by about five minutes. The tourists don't tend to overrun it the way they do the rest of Lambertville/New Hope.

There seems to be a different assortment of vendors from Saturday to Sunday, although some vendors are always there.

(I've been going since I was a kid)

The Golden Nugget is a great flea market that we have frequented for years ...get there early to park ...morning is best .....after 11 good stuff but packed with shoppers ..have found art work and books and linens etc .....the local restaurant in town has the best deals and great specials from eggs to omelets to lobster chowder and lobster rolls!

It's much cheaper than all other places in town ..the only bad thing is they do close by 2 or three is a lovely day in the country especially if you then have time to go up to Frenchtown, aslow ride about 10 miles north.

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