landscaper should be put out of business.

I've lived in Maplewood and South Orange for 34 years and in all those years I've only criticized one business publicly. Now I'm doing it again. JOHN INFANTINO LANDSCAPING should be put out of business  . I've thought for several seasons that INFANTINO  has been blowing my neighbors lawn debris into my yard but I finally caught him in the act.   I was inside my house and saw an air born torrent of leaves and grass being blown into my yard.  I went out to confront him and he denied it saying it was the wind.   His attitude was arrogant and unapologetic .  I told him that I knew he had been doing this every time he did my neighbors yard and that if he didn't clean it up I would call the police   He called me a *****   He said my yard was a mess ( it is, my gardener hasn't been here yet )  I said it didn't matter.   He had no right to blow his debris into my yard.  I told him I was going to call the police.  He said that I could complain or he would clean it up but not both.  I said I was going to complain but he'd better clean it up too. So I went inside to call the police and through the window I saw him walk between the two  houses  The police  came and spoke to him.  They were wonderful and patient and said they didn't blame me for calling.  They invited me to file a report   It wasn't until after they left that I went to the spot in between the houses where INFANTINO had gone  and HE HAD URINATED ON MY HOUSE.    I am disgusted beyond words.  Please please do not use this landscaper.

Call the cops and have them back. Dig his pee into a bag and swear out a complaint. Let him sweat bullets wondering if he can be compelled to give a DNA sample.

Too far? No. To me this is a dangerous person that should not be around the community. You showed restraint that I’m unsure I could muster.

Don’t let it drop. Let the cops know about the piss. They will not have a sense of humor about it. 

He does my next door neighbor's property too.  Once when I was in my yard and saw him blowing debris over the fence onto my yard, I complained.  His response was to blow debris in my face. 

I do not know which Town you live in but there is probably a Town Ordinance imposing a fine for Public Urination.

Blowing debris in Joan's face ought to be a Class A felony!

If my neighbors brought a contractor onto their property and the contractor proceeds to violate my space/rights, I would talk to the neighbors.

Unfortunately, my neighbor had never been neighborly.  I did knock ( changed from nick) on his front door and explain what had happened and he said not my problem, and shut the door

Nick on my foot and I’ll slam the door in your face! ;-)

Landscaper sounds awful. Sorry you are going through this.

Wow! This story got me. And, now we have confirmation from Joan C. If you look up Yelp reviews, someone complained in a 2015 review that they urinated on their lawn.

File a complaint with Better Business Bureau? Definitely file a police report. What total scum! (This reminds me of a Sopranos episode.)

your neighbor hired the guy so it is very much “his problem”. Jerks all around. 

I’d call the police back and add public lewdness and public urination to the case they opened against the guy.


ok, call the business and complain. Post on their Facebook page, Angie's list, etc.

I think I posted once here about a landscapers truck that stopped between the houses on my street—with larger yards there are expanses between homes. It was not a company I recognized from the neighborhood andwhen I looked in the truck the guy was otherwise "engaged" IN THE TRUCK in broad daylight on a Saturday. I was so livid I took a pic and looked up the number. I called expecting it to be an office. A woman answered. I told her the guy driving the truck was, getting, you know...and she responded saying it was her husband. 

I sent the pic of the truck to her. 

shh said:

ok, call the business and complain. Post on their Facebook page, Angie's list, etc.

I think I posted once here about a landscapers truck that stopped between the houses on my street—with larger yards there are expanses between homes. It was not a company I recognized from the neighborhood andwhen I looked in the truck the guy was otherwise "engaged" IN THE TRUCK in broad daylight on a Saturday. I was so livid I took a pic and looked up the number. I called expecting it to be an office. A woman answered. I told her the guy driving the truck was, getting, you know...and she responded saying it was her husband. 

I sent the pic of the truck to her. 

 Same guy, or differnt one? Jeez!

I'd suggest sending a certified, return-receipt letter to the "neighbor" alerting them to this incident.  Hang onto a copy of the letter and the return receipt.

It's fairly inexpensive to install home security cameras - point one in the direction that this horrible business tends to work near. If you catch them in the act, file a complaint with the town against the business and let the homeowner know that you have done so.

If it happens AGAIN, file a complaint against the business and the homeowner.

Good luck!

Cubby, it was not this same landscaper, I was just saying how I dealt with the issue. 

wow, John Infantino sounds pretty Infantile!

Sarah.........I did service work for too many years but always with good bosses who had a sense of what was right and proper.  We were always taught that no matter what the customer is always right

so grin and bear it and move on.  More than once I encountered a truly over bearing super.  The thought of using my spray tank to leave a dent in his head was pleasurable but counter productive

Luckily you have lived here far long enough to know that the incidence of today was an aberration

Keep the good thoughts and memories and enjoy St Petes............especially in the winter

My wife caught one of the landscaper employees doing work in our neighbor's yard come through the gate and defecate in ours.  We let our neighbor know and he was furious and fired the landscaper.

wtf is wrong with people? Who would do that? 

It was horrible, but it also made us wonder how landscape employees handle this issue.  The house owners were not home; these employees work outdoors all day with no access to facilities.  Not to be graphic about it, but this guy obviously had a digestive emergency.  Is it too much to hope for that landscape companies can have a better solution than telling their employees to use the yard next door?  I mean, if we can ban gas-powered blowers.....

sorry this incident happened to you

a well known landscaper (not this guy), who did my neighbor's yard, would urinate in their backyard. guess he didn't know there was someone home (I work from home)...  my neighbor then fired the guy.  still his trucks are all over these towns.  I have a feeling this happens more often than any of us realize.

I get so annoyed when I see landscapers blow debris into other yards and onto the street.  

Sarah:  If you live in Maplewood (I know you don't anymore) the town has an ordinance requiring landscapers to register with the town.  Thus your town might be able to intercede in this case assuming they have a similar ordinance.

Thanks Joan.   I live in South Orange .  Even though I will be moving in 2 weeks I will be renting my house so I will still be a homeowner.   I will check with South Orange to see if they have a similar ordinance.   

My neighbor's reaction bugs me as much as the landscaper.   This has been going on for YEARS.   I'm tempted to throw my dog's sh#t over the fence into his yard as a going away present.   What could he do ?   But my husband said then they go low we should go high. 

sarahzm - South Orange has a registration requirement for landscapers. You might want to check with the building department to see if John Infantino Landscaping is registered. Here's his address: 

John Infantino Landscaping

17 Fieldstone Dr
Whippany, NJ 07981-1734

To weirdbeard & pete's point:  A well-known garage door repairman was working on my garage a few years ago.  I walked outside to see his progress and caught him urinating in a cup, which he then put in his truck.  We pretended like the incident didn't happen, but I later wondered why didn't he simply ask to use my bathroom?!  

That was what the toilet in the basement was for, back when these houses were built, no?

Klinker said:
That was what the toilet in the basement was for, back when these houses were built, no?

 I believe the basement toilets were so that if there was a back up it would occur in the basement first, instead of the finished living area of the homes

The basement toilet is referred to as a Pittsburgh Potty.

quercus said:
The basement toilet is referred to as a Pittsburgh Potty.


doggie waste can be DNA tested and traced back to its not just about taking the high road.  i realize landscapers work outdoors and bathroom access is limited, but you should know just to stop a couple times a day when you can access a bathroom even if you don't have to go at the moment...I used to work on the road....and knew where I could stop....Home Depot/Target/Stop and Shop are nearby..and no one would question is they were a customer or not when they go in to use the bathroom.  I'm sure there are other places with a public bathroom.... When I had renovations done, I overheard the contractors talking about where to go...and the head person suggested the bushes...there is actually a bathroom open to the public half a block from my house...I used it.

also, for men, there are special collection bad (females can use it, but its harder) that has a gel..can't remember the name of it right now.

if its a digestive emergency, at least go in the truck and use paper/bag if you can't make it 5 minutes to a bathroom.

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