Lawn Mushrooms

What are these things? Are they poisonous? Several houses in my neighborhood have allowed large cauliflower-like "bouquets" of them to grow close to the sidewalk and I worry about what would happen if the dogs munched on them.

I had Dead Man's Fingers growing on my berm a few years back. No dogs ate them.

Actually, I have hosta, daffodils, crocuses, peony, hyacinth, and lily of the valley all within reach of the sidewalk and the only creatures to ever eat anything are the six exosceleton legged kind.

Damp humid weather brings them on, I have a few single ones, don't know if harmfull to dogs, maybe watch your dog to make sure that sweetie doesn't munch on them. My dog never had any interest in them

We have more mushrooms than ever and not sure why. Some this year look like portobellos 8" in diameter. And I watched an older couple pop out a bunch for about 20 minutes leaving me wondering...

Nomadic Smurfs gotta live somewhere.

This thread reminded me of this video -

emmie said:
Damp humid weather brings them on, I have a few single ones, don't know if harmfull to dogs, maybe watch your dog to make sure that sweetie doesn't munch on them. My dog never had any interest in them

Yeah we have a few in the yard. Just mow them down.

one of my all time favorites! especially good after eating some weird looking lawn mushrooms!

nan said:
This thread reminded me of this video -


Article about mushrooms and pets -

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