Looking for gardener or landscaper?

anyone have any recommendations on a gardener or maybe they are called a landscaper? Just need someone reasonably priced to take care of our yard and front lawn. Mow grass, maintain flowerbeds, some clean up. Nothing crazy. Thanks so much!!

What town?  Maplewood recently passed an ordinance requiring landscapers performing the duties you describe to register with the town.  There is a list of registered landscapers on the official town website.  Might be a starting place in finding someone.

My landscaper is registered with the town, unfortunately most local landscapers are just mow and blow guys and don't weed or maintain the flower beds, I would like to find someone who does this too.

what towns are these needed in?

This was recently posted on the Facebook Lounge group.  I don't have any personal connection, just passing it along: 

Hey there everyone! It's getting warm out, and your grass isn't going to cut itself! I'm Max Lazen, I'm an 18 year old CHS senior (going to Rutgers in the fall!). I'm an experienced handyman, gardener, babysitter, and driver. I've driven kids to activities as far away as Montclair, I've cleaned gutters, powerwashed decks, put together furniture, watered plants, painted rooms and cleaned houses. Please let me know if you have any odd jobs! I have lots of references from happy customers. To contact me, text or call 862-216-3373 or direct message me! Thanks!

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