Looking for oak or hickory branches

If the recent storms have left you with some fallen branches, I am looking for branches with bark on, with diameter from 1.1/2" up to about 4".  

Any length will do.  I will cut them up to use as mounts for a variety of orchids, which grow better on mounts than in pots.  

I will pick-up in Maplewood, South Orange & Milburn area.

I have a rather large branch that came down in my back yard from my pin oak tree, don't know if it is the right size or not, but you are welcome to it if you want it. PM me for address if interested.

Thanks Emmie:   Your branch went from 4" down to 1", so I got a lot pieces out of it.

To other MOL'ers:   Could still use more (I have a lot of orchids).

My oak tree could use some pruning.  If you feel like sawing a couple of low branches off, you're welcome to them!  PM me if you want to.

Tomcat, I am happy that you could use it, and that it will be adorned by beautiful orchids!

If you could use maple, I had a very large branch come down and the bark peeled off like a banana peel.

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