Looking to upgrade your home? Consider our 8 bed colonial 1 block fom town

We are looking to downsize from our 8 bed, 4 bath colonial that is one block from the Maplewood village. We did extensive renovations including all the infrastructure, roof, porch, new first floor layout and a beautiful new kitchen. All renovations done by John James Architect. See photos on zillow:


Looking for a private sale this Fall otherwise plan to list the house with a realtor in spring.

Just a stupid question, why would you have pics of an unmade bed on Zillow? Or the side of a refrigerator filled with pics? It's a lovely house but without the right marketing or exposure, you're selling yourselves short.

It's pretty clearly two sets of pictures. Unless they have two kitchens and two garages. Maybe from the prior owner? Zillow makes it a little difficult to pull down photos but it can be done.

Oh, you're right. I'd get those down ASAP.

It's a beautiful house, but a little out my price range...

ridski said:
It's a beautiful house, but a little out my price range...

If you're interested in a significantly less expensive and (uhhh, "somewhat") less beautiful house - let me know.

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